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Donetsk National Technical University Kravets Vladimir

Kravets Vladimir

Faculty: Mainer - Geological

Speciality:Drilling of wells

Leader of work: Karakozov Artur Arkadyevich

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Email: vovan@mail.ru      vovan.don@rambler.ru

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As a result of passage of a trunk by rotary way there is a curvature. Then additional works on study walls a trunk for liquidation of a curvature are required. At study without extras, biases of less than one degree on hundred meters in breeds of more seventh category, study does not yield positive results. For effective performance of works the additional lateral effort to a chisel is required. The device presented in figure serves for alignment of biases in trunks by means of installation Wirt


Structure: the Device consists of a mobile collar on which the fingers movably connected to channels are welded on. Sheet iron is welded on channels for increase in rigidity of a design. Among them selves a channel are connected funnel on which groove М-42 is cut. On the end of a design the wheel with welded to them bit cutters from a mine combine is located. On other party two channels are connected by a steel plate. On a steel plate two are located cutter tooth. Principle of action: the adaptation in a complex kind for pass through an aperture of a rotor goes down. The adaptation on hundred meters above a zone of study falls. For work with the tool, for improvement of result it is required to weld on chisel WIRT a skirt - an iron leaf, with in boiled in it bit cutters, (490) scald a chisel. The adaptation reveals by means of hoist. The rope passes through a dynamometer on a roller, which preliminary крепят on chisel trap doors. The dynamometer electronic also is connected with щитком installations WIRT. At increase in loading at a rope, a dynamometer automatically disconnects drilling winch. . .


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