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Donetsk National Technical University Roll Alina

Roll Alina

Faculty: Mainer - Geological

Speciality: Technology and engineering of investigation of deposits of minerals

Theme of master's work: "Development of the complete set of signalling devices of the drilling fluids absorption and its level decrease in a drill."

Leader of work: Karakozov Artur Arkadyevich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Biography | Links | Report about the search

Email: rol.alina@mail.ru;      rol_alina@ukr.net

Table of contents

1. The general data on the theme 1.1 The urgency of the theme 1.2 The purpose and problems of the work 2. The analytical review of the information 3. The conclusion 3.1 The review of available practical results 3.2 The direction of the prospects 3.3 The list of literature


1. The General data on a theme 1.1 The urgency of a theme

During drilling prospecting boreholes, it may be such a negative phenomenon, as, absorption of the drilling fluids. It can lead to falling of liquid level in a drill or reduction of intensity of the liquid stream leaving on a surface. In connection with untimely revealing of this phenomenon, there can be a failure. The developed complete set of devices allows to supervise the absorption of the drilling fluid in spite of falling the liquid’s level in a drill. That allows to reveal instantly absorption under the indication of a manometer.

1.2 Purpose and problems of the work

The purpose of work is the development of the complete set of signalling devices of the drilling fluids absorption and decreasing it’s level in a drill. The basis of work on the given theme, includes the improvement of already known signalling devices of the drilling fluid absorption and decreasing it’s level in a drill.

2. The analytical review of the information

Developed devices concern branch of borehole drilling. To be exact, it concerns technical devices for operative control of liquid absorption of it’s level in drills. They can be applied to drilling boreholes with zones of the drilling fluids absorption. Two signalling devices according to their usage are known. The first signalling device of sudden liquid level falling in a drill, developed by Cand. of Tech. Sci. Folimonenko N. [1] and the second signalling device of liquid level falling in a drill, developed by Cand. of Tech. Sci. Karakozov A. [2] We tried to eliminate lacks of these devices in by improving devices.

3. The conclusions 3.1 The review of available practical results

I developed the following points : The signalling device design of the fluid level falling in drill

Gif animation

The signalling device design of the drilling fluids absorption in a drill.

Gif animation

3.2 The direction of the prospects

To the developed designs of signalling devices, planning the development of their application technology. Also the technique of design data calculation is developed and the choice technique of signalling devices installation site in the drill.

3.3 The list of literature

1. The collection of scientific works DonNTU. A mountain-geological series. Release 11. - Donetsk DonNTU 2000. pgs. 28-29. 2. Declared the patent of Ukraine 63251À Å21Â 21/10. Published 1/15/2004. Bulletin ¹1

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