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Theme of master's works:

«Substantiation of automotive transport emission's control system's structure and parameters»

Authoress: Matvienko S.S.
Scientific adviser: the senior lecturer, c.t.s. Khlamov M.G.



1. The actuality of a theme.

The atmospheric air pollution is one of the sharpest environmental problems of Donetsk area. According to management of statistics, in atmospheric air of area during 2005 it was thrown out 213,952 thousand tonne polluting substances from automotive transport. Thus carbon oxide takes one of the most significant places among emissions in Donetsk area that makes 27,95 %.

CO is formed at incomplete combustion of fuel containing carbon. Concerning the person and animals it is possible to consider CO as inhaled poison which deprives a body fabric of oxygen necessary for them. High concentration of gas in air leads to physiological changes, and concentration more than 750 mg/m3 – to death.

The high level of impurity of cities atmosphere demands carrying out of the effective actions directed on decrease of fulfilled gases of automotive transport toxicity . The devices registering presence of given gas are developed for these purposes.

However now the CO control in exhaust gases of cars is made seldom enough. Maintenance are carried out about periodicity from 1 time a quarter up to 1 time in two years. Much more frequent control is required. We offer the continuous control over a stream of cars with high probability of their malfunction detection.

2. The purpose, problems of work.

The purpose of master's works consists in a choice of optimum structure and parameters of operative automotive transport emission's control system in movement without their stop, and also registration of faulty cars with the further elimination of their lacks.

For achievement of the purpose in view the decision of following problems is required :

  • To analyze existing methods of concentration carbon oxide measurement in exhaust gases of cars to choose a method possessing high speed;
  • To develop mathematical model of the gas environment of an automobile exhaust in view of revolting factors;
  • To develop mathematical model of a measuring instrument, considering its interaction with an environment;
  • To develop mathematical model of automotive transport emissions the monitoring system functioning, and also algorithm of processing of the received results;
  • To develop the block diagram of the faulty cars registration device with the subsequent data transmission in Region service center of SAI.

3 . Scientific novelty.

There are big number of carbon oxide gas analyzers, however their conditions of operation allow to spend not continuous, but the selective control of cars emissions. Scientific novelty of work assumes a system engineering of the continuous emissions control in a cars stream, providing high speed and registration of faulty cars with the subsequent data transmission in Region service center of SAI.

Also creation of the mathematical model is considering which interact a means of measurement with object of the control in dynamic processes conditions in view of movement of emissions source, gas diffusion and turbulent character in the field of emissions is supposed.

4. Principles of construction of system.

The offered monitoring system of emissions in a stream of cars is permanently placed along an automobile line. For this purpose by the artificial way (for example, by means of posts SAI) the speed of car movement is limited and width of a strip within the limits of up to 3,5 meters in such places, as bridges, tunnels, railway crossings. Thus speed of car movement up to 60 km/h also is limited. On one side of a line the source of radiation is established. The stream of infrared radiation as narrow beam crosses a strip, reflects from a mirror located on other side of a line and, coming back, enters on an input of a photodetector. At excess of maximum permissible concentration of emission carbon oxide the signal enters on the device of the registration, located in the electronic block. Further the picture of the car with help of the photoregistering device is done. Near to the electronic block there is the block interfaces (modem) with help of which data transmission is carried out on computer center of regional SAI where functions of control are realized.


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