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Master of DonNTU Ryabichenko Andrey

Ryabichenko Andrey

Faculty: CITA (Faculty of Computer Informational Technologies and Automatics)

Speciality: CSD (Computer Systems of Diagnostics)

Theme of master's work: "Specialized computer system of the diagnostics caused potentials of cerebrum of man on basis Wavelet analysis"

Leader of work: Adamov V.G., prof., d.t.s.

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    1. Actuality of theme
    2. Purpose and tasks of work
    3. Scientific novelty and practical value


Animation: 'Analisys of caused potentials on base Wavelet transformation'. Quantity of frames is 5, duration of each frame is 1,5 sec, quantity of loops is 10.

    The level of application of computers in medicine rose extraordinarily for the last 20 years. Practical medicine becomes more and more automated.
    Difficult modern researches in medicine are unthinkable without application of the computing engineering. The volume of information which is received during the researches is so huge, that persons would be incapable to perceive and process it without computer.

     Computers found the wide application in an electro-encephalography. No doubt, that with aim of computing engineering we are able to improve extremely the process of registration, storage and extraction of EEG-information, to get new information, inaccessible to the hand methods of analysis, transform EEG-data in topographical appearances, openings additional possibilities of local diagnostics of cerebral diseases [3].

1. Actuality of theme

    The caused potentials of cerebrum are the most exact method of research for today, giving information about violation of conducting of impulses in the different parts of cerebrum (visual, auditory, sensible, motors ways of the nervous system). The use of caused potentials of cerebrum is an invaluable mean for an early discovery and prognosis of neurological disorders, at different diseases, such as a stroke, brain-growths, consequences of craniocerebral trauma, and also dissipated sclerosis and other diseases. Early determination of degree of disfunction of three most essential sensory systems and state of sensory functions base on the method of caused potentials of cerebrum is, thus, vitally important for application of adequate treatment of different diseases.

     Development of the system which would correctly decrypt information which was got by the method of caused potentials is very actually for today.

2. Purpose and tasks of work

Purpose: constructions of the computer system for the analysis of caused potentials of cerebrum by wavelet transformations.

Following tasks are being solved in order to achieve the purposes wich has been aimed in work:

  • development of algorithm and writing of the program which will calculate FWT of the chosen signal with the use of the required wavelet filter. At every level of decomposition, a value will hatch, expected signs which classification of signal will be executed on;

  • selection of standard values of signs for the known states of cerebrum;

  • choice of optimum classifier from point of exactness of executable classification.

3. Scientific novelty and practical value

    This work is not new in the subject domain. The purpose of construction of the computer system for the analysis of caused potentials of cerebrum by wavalet transformations emerged a long time ago and there is plenty of research-and-developments other specialists in this area. However offered an idea of integral analysis of whole complex of signs, expected during the wavelet analysis of caused potentials of cerebrum is in this work, for raising of eventual diagnosis.


    Now master's work is unfinished. It is planned to get final results at December of the 2007. In order to receive the materials and results with the theme of «Dedicaded komp'yuternaya system of analysis of the caused potentials of cerebrum of man on the basis of Veyvlet of transformations» turn to electronic address: , .


    There are the great number of computer systems of analysis of the man caused potentials of cerebrum, but there is not the system which analyses the whole complex of signs for raising of eventual diagnosis. I hope that the system wich will be developed by me will help to doctors to determine the different diseases of humanity cerebrum on the early stage for further effective treatment.


  1. Гнездицкий В.В. Вызванные потенциалы мозга в клинической практике. Таганрог: ТРТУ, 1997.

  2. Жадин М.Н. Биофизические механизмы формирования электроэнцефалограммы. Москва: Наука, 1984.

  3. Зенков Л.Р., Ронкин М.А. Функциональная диагностика нервных заболеваний. Медицина, 1991.

  4. Петухов А.П. Введение в теорию базисов всплесков. Учебное пособие. СПб.: СПбГТУ, 1999., 132 с.

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