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Preliminary survey of the master's work

Aleksey Vas'kovtsov
Theme of master's work:
Research and ground of the microprocessor system of determination of the technical state of the repaired engine
Leader of work: C.T.S Burkivchenko Vladimir


     Elektric motor is an important «knot» in human life. By the important task of Elektric motor is converting of electric energy into mechanical (twisting, moving). The basic requirement to the engine – to save the parameters unchanging during all of duty cycle. But the world is not ideal, and during work on an electric motor operate which bring forces over to violation of work, and even to death device. A necessity appears for repair (because not always there is possibility to purchase a new engine). But at repair of electrical equipment, from imperfection of production of one or another material, can happen such, that an engine will not be able to execute the tasks. But it revealed only when he will be delivered into place of work. Therefore the necessity of testing engine appeared for a posleremontnyy period. And in AGE of high-tech, yet and possibility of minimum intervention from a man in a measuring process. For this purpose microcircuits came for help.


      During a capitalism and maximization arrived every second of outage costs an enormous money. Therefore everybody tries to do the production as few as possible of time standing.
      That is why, at breakage of some element, it is necessary to have spare, that in a time of repair or replacement (purchases) basic to replace him. All breaks a secret are electronic devices, high-fidelity measurings devices, ferrous and cast-iron bars, electric engines...
      But not every plant is in a position, at breakage of electric engine, at once to put the NEW (purchased) engine from the shortage of money facilities. Therefore many decide on the variant of repair of breaking ranks engine.
     To organizations, workshops, engaged in repair of engines, large responsibility lies down for quality of repair of electric engines. From that as correctly they will repair elektric motor will depend as long and high-quality there will be he to work on the workplace. Therefore quality of repair must be controlled not only during repair but also after repair.