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Master of DonNTU Gorbanov Anton



Electromechanic system of automatization and electrical drive

Theme of master's work:

Research of systems of the adjustable electric drive in view of dynamic properties of semi-conductor converters

Leader of work: Chekavsky G.S.

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Research and creation of new systems of automatic control (SАC) is a difficult and expensive problem. It is a lot of time and means takes on creation, debugging, operational development of pre-production models. Мathematical modelling object can speed up and simplify this process. It is conducted with the purpose of the analysis of an operating conditions and, if necessary, specifications of parameters SАC. Modern techniques of synthesis SАC are based on creation of mathematical model of object, therefore it is important, that the model characterized all important properties of object.

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The most dynamic processes occur in the power converter. But it is usually modelled as an inertial link. Such model does not reflect all features of work of the converter. In result, after designing it is necessary to carry out fine tuning of parameters SАC to concrete specifications. The creation of detailed model of the power converter which takes into account all features of work and dynamic properties of the converter, will allow to calculate parameters SАC for a design stage. Therefore detailed modelling and creation of actual models is the important and actual problem.

The purpose of work is the research of systems of the adjustable electric drive. For this purpose creation of adequate models of the basic kinds of power converters which are applied in the electric drive constant and an alternating current is necessary and reflect them (power converters) work in a context of work of all SАC.

The most perspective approach to modelling is structural modelling - representation of object as the block diagram. Thus it is expedient to keep mathematical and physical sense of entrance both target coordinates and a direction of signaling. The target voltage depends on parameters of a voltage of a power line, a signal of management and a current of loading which defines current operating mode SАC. For modelling SАC models of different kinds of power elements are developed: diodes (for circuits of unguided rectifiers), transistors (for circuits of controlled rectifiers and inverters) and transistors (for controlled rectifiers and PWM), reflecting the important features of work of these elements. At modelling it is important to take into account internal connections of elements of the power rectifier and their mutual influence against each other.

The models executed in appendix Simulink of package programm Matlab are submitted in figure 1.

At the analysis of work of models essential divergences are revealed at modelling adequate converters and modelling of the power converter as link of delay (figure 2). From what it is possible to draw conclusions:

1. At structural modelling it is expedient to keep connections between separate elements which are caused a function chart. It allows to proceed easily at modelling to research of static and dynamic properties of system of the electric drive in view of real features of work of the power converter.

2. With the help of structural modelling the specified models of power converters as nonlinear discrete elements can be received in structure of systems of electric drives which adequately reflect their basic properties

At the further researches it is expected to receive new models and opportunities for the analysis, synthesis and designing of systems of the electric drive.


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