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Master's degree  DONNTU Maslov Stanislav Igorevich

Maslov Stasnislav Igorevich

Faculty: Electrotechnical

Speciality: Electric systems and networks

Theme of master's work:

Improvement of subsystem of model support of acceptance of decisions by the personnel of electroenergy objects


Head of work: Zabolotniy Ivan Petrovich


Email: stas-maslov@mail.ru



        I, Maslov Stanislav Igorevich, was born on December 13, 1986 in the town of Krasny Liman. My mother, Maslova Natalya Vasiliyevna, is a teacher of Russian and Ukrainian; my father, Maslov Igor Aleksandrovich, is a motor transport engineer. From 1989 to 1992 I attended kindergarten ¹7 in Krasny Liman. In my group I got on well with everybody. I learnt to read and write earlier than the children of my age, which was my mother’s merit. We read a lot of fairy tales and other children’s literature. I loved active and developing games.


        In 1992 I went to school ¹6 which was soon renamed as Krasny Liman Gymnasium. I leant all the subjects easily and, though my mother and grandmother are philologists, I preferred exact sciences. The climate in the gymnasium was friendly and creative. Our form-master was kind and competent, so I proved myself in different subjects. But the most memorable during my studies in the gymnasium were lessons of mathematics taught by Nadejda Nikolayevna Chugay. So, 9 years passed. .
I finished 9 forms with a certificate that had only good marks. Finished a musical school in the class of guitar with the excellent mark, had several diplomas for mathematics and information science. But after moving to another place I had to change the school. I became a third year student of the town lyceum. In the 10th form I went for karate-do at the sports centre Locomotive where I’ve been going up to the present. But still one of my greatest interests are the lessons of mathematics. As the result of my studies and efforts I entered the Donetsk technical university for the faculty of electrical technologies specializing in Electric systems and networks. I successfully passed rating tests and went for the budget form of studying.


        I’m very glad and I don’t regret that I went to one of the best universities of Ukraine and maybe Europe. For five years I have finished many terms with higher scholarship. In my free time I do the sports, play the guitar, take part in amateur performances in my native town. After the 4th year I went for the master’s degree because I want to become a highly-qualified engineer. The advisor of my master’s thesis is the head of the chair of my specialty Ivan Petrovich Zabolotny. The subject of the work is quite urgent and interesting, and I’d like its developing to be useful in some particular way.

Plans for the future

        I want to find the sphere of production activity that would be interesting for me, where I’d be able to apply my knowledge and skills. Career advance, good salary and prospects are not excluded.

© DSTU 2008 Maslov