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Donetsk National Technical University The last name The name

Vardan Sergeevich Sukiasyan

Faculty: Electrical engineering

Speciality: Electromechanics systems of automation and ekectrical drive

Theme of master's work: Development of effective system of maintenance in an efficient condition of the main pipelines by means of systems of the adjustable electric drive for swapping oil and gas

Leader of work: Borysenko V.P.

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Mean score during training at university 4.1 Freely I know Russian, a Ukranian language languages In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English I Have an operational experience with operational systems Windows 98 / 2000/xp, with programming languages – C, C ++, packages MathCAD, Matlab, the Autoboor I Am the Organizer of intellectual automobile quest STALKER. I take a great interest in game in football, employment in an exercise room.

I Was born on May, 1st, 1986 in the city of Donetsk in family of the teacher of history and mountain electromecanics. Preschool education, except for family has received in children's to a garden. Per 1993-2000 it was trained in a comprehensive school ¹136. At this time deeply studied English language, borrowed prize-winning places on places on Olympiads. Took a great interest in sports, basketball and football, wrestling Judo. Played for a combined team of school on football. After 8 classes has acted in Donetsk êîëëåæ which graduate became in 2003. In êîëëåæå improved knowledge of the English, two times went in English camp.

Studying in Donetsk college, had an opportunity to pass driver's rates. In the end 11 classes has received the driver's license.

Considering prospect of successful employment, lack of engineers of our country, has acted in Donetsk National Technical University on electrotechnical faculty. About a choice I do not regret, even it is happy, that I study in the oldest HIGH SCHOOL of Donetsk. My teachers were: the professor, Dr.Sci.Tech. Dudnik Michael Zaharovich (electric machines), senior teacher Kornienko Anatoly Prokofevich (special the electric drive) and other skilled qualified teachers.

Wishing to study a speciality more deeply, worked as the electroassembler in Open Company « TPC Polytech », since July, 2007 - the engineer in research-and-production enterprise " EHZ-SERVICE " In June, 2007 has successfully passed the state examination and has received a educational-qualifying level « the bachelor on electromecanics » to be not the ordinary executor in the speciality, and to be able to organize production, I have decided to receive economic formation. On the second rate has entered the institute Aftediploma the Formations, created on the basis of DonNTU, on a speciality « Economy of the enterprise ». In February, 2008 has successfully passed the state examination and has received a degree of the bachelor on economy of the enterprise. The student's life comes nearer to the logic end. The question on employment rises Think, my trade will be on a joint of two specialities. I plan to open the enterprise.

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