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Author's abstract to the master’s degree research:

"System of providing of innovative development of subjects of management in the conditions of narrow-mindedness of resources"

Performer: Ignatenko Elena

Leader of work: candidate of economic science associate professor Popova Olga Yurievna

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Urgency of the work.

  Problem of the innovative development of the national enterprise in scarce resources has the principal sense for the increasing of the management practice efficiency and activating of economic processes. Critical status of the most of the Industrial enterprises of Ukraine and fact of resources scantiness allow us to maintain the fact of the complexity of industrial enterprises revival without introduction of innovative processes. Advantages of the innovation policy in guaranteeing of stable functioning and competitiveness of the enterprises are obvious and its influence for the manufacturing process is radical and complex. That is why the quantity growth of the scientific tracts, where innovative activity is researched, is obvious. The scientific opinions of the East the accent is made not at the competitive pricing, but at the innovative processes, which are connected with the improvement of all the production potential of the enterprise.

  Large changing in the development of the economy of Ukraine have made conditional on new conditions of management of natural resources development, especially of coal reserves – which is the most valuable resource. This resource is number one recourse which roles the national interests. Energetic raw materials including coals – is the number one problem for a lot of countries, because of the growth of energy consuming growing twice every 10 – 15 years. World prices for oil and gas are growing year to year, that is why it is necessary to develop coal industry. Reasonability of support of the capacities of coal mines – is the main problem of nature management. Especially this touches upon Donbas, because in a lot of coal regions coal mines are closed instead of being reconstructed.

  ЭThese circumstances were based while choosing the topic of degree research.

Aims and tasks of the research.

  Aim of the research - theoretical substantiation and practical research of the arrangements for improvement of the ensuring of innovative activity at the industrial enterprise in scarce resources.


  • analysis of the problems and perspectives of the industrial enterprises development in the modern conditions;

  • examination of the main points and peculiarities of the innovative development;
  • Extent detection of the resource provision of the coal processing enterprises;

  • Financial analysis of the technical condition of the research object;
  • Analysis of the innovative and investment activity taking the research object as the sample;
  • Development of the actions for activation of the researched enterprise.
  • Research object.

      Object of this research is the processes of the innovative development of the enterprise in scarce resources.

      Research object - principles and methods of innovative development support of the enterprise in scarce resources.

    Scientific novelty.

      For the first time the support system of the innovative development, based at the complex method is researched. This method takes into account the functioning not only economical system but also institutional, social, informational, ecological systems. The idea of “innovative development” has being improved; the indicators of innovative development of the industrial enterprises were defined and amplified. There was opened ones line about the activities of complex assessment of the innovative activity of the coal mines the models of innovative development of coal mines were determined. These models are based on dependant characteristics of investment solidity of the coal mine and its provision reserve.

    Basic content of the degree research.

      In the first chapter “Theoretical base of the innovative development ensuring in the modern terms of management” the valuation of the status and perspectives of the industrial enterprises innovative development was pursued. The essence of the “innovative development” of the industrial enterprises was determined. The systems, which provide innovative development, were characterized. The main factors, which stimulate introduction of the innovative processes at the enterprises, were noted. The development and functioning strategy of the enterprise in scarce resources were examined.

      As the result of the analysis of the main indicators of the innovative development and innovative activity of the industrial enterprises the resume was made, that the real economical situation in the industry of Ukraine in context of innovative development is unstable and processes are decelerated.

      Problems which occur while realization of innovative activity of the enterprise can be identified analyzing the factors, which hold back the introduction of the innovations. These factors can be divided into tree groups: economical, production and loyal. These factors are researched in this degree research.

      To make the innovative development of the enterprise there should be system of its support. This question is discussed in the 2-nd part of the first chapter of the degree research. In this part of the research the meaning of “innovative development” its support system is determined

      Taking into account that the recourses part of the innovative potential is a kind of “base” for its forming we think it is necessary to include it in definition of “innovative development”. So under the term “innovative development” we understand strengthening and usage of own innovative possibilities, analysis, mobilization and improvement of industrial potential for achieving the aims of the developing of managed, social economical object (industrial enterprise) in different ways. This provides complex of actions for development, mastering and introduction of innovations, taking into account the leak of resources.

      As the support in its general meaning is usually understood the sum of actions for providing the conditions which provide normal work of economic processes, realization of planned programs, projects, stable functioning of economic system and its objects, avoiding the brake of normative acts. But this definition identifies only economic system. Efficiency of innovative management is also influenced by social, institutional, ecological factors etc. That is why for the support of innovative development we need complex tomcat, which will take into account all the systems. In the degree research the support system which consists of economic, social, institutional, ecological and informational systems is proposed.

      The third part of first chapter examines the strategies of innovative development of the enterprise taking into account two factors: factor of scarce resources (natural, material, financial, social, informational and oth.) and demand for the manufactured products.

      As the strategy of innovative development of the enterprise the target arrangements and programs, directed at the achieving of long lasting competitive advantages of the enterprise at the local and external markets are understood.

      In this degree research the combination of three variants of demand with three ways of provision with the recourses, which gives nine typical situations where enterprise can be involved, was examined. Each problem situation can be paralleled with innovative strategy, which is directed for the solution of the problems and changing the situation to more advantageous way.

      Second chapter of degree research – “Methodical support of the innovative development of the enterprise in scarce resources”. In this chapter the methods of appraisal of innovative management of the enterprise is proposed; methods of appraisal of provision with the resources based on complex criteria of investment reliability, models of innovative development of coal mines are examined.

      Appraisal of the innovative management of the enterprise is based on the analysis of scientific and, informational and technical standard of the enterprise.

      Method of provision appraising of a coal mine with the resources is based upon complex criteria of investment reliability of a mine (Ft). This criterion is represented by four components (technical and economical level, geological resources and capital investments for simple reproduction). Such criterion is most suitable appraising index while planning of the perspective development of coal mines. The method allows to identify the dependence between index of investment reliability of the mine perspectives, of its development and reserves provision.

      In the third part of chapter two the models of innovative development of coal processing enterprises are examined. There were marked out four models of innovative development: model of sustainable development, diversification model, intensive model and integration model.

      The criterion of model choosing is economic reasonability of innovations and level of resources provision.

      In the third chapter “Economical appraisal of directions of innovative development of the researched object» the description of trends of innovative development of the coal mines is given. The methods of explanation of economical reasonability of new technical level machines in purifying and shaft-sinking and tunneling coal-faces as one of the directions of innovative mine development are examined. This chapter is in elaboration now.

      Degree research is in process now and will be defended in December 2008.

    List of literature.

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    © ДonNTU 2008, Ignatenko E.
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