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Rudokvas Oleg Nikolaevich

Faculty: Economies

Speciality: Management by innovative activity (DI)

Theme of master's work: Decline of risks during realization of innovative processes

Leader of work: Fishenko Oksana Nikolaevna

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Decline of risks during realization of the innovative processes


In a modern economic theory and practice the risk is one of fundamental categories. It is linked that exactly the vagueness of the economic phenomena and processes appears by widespread description realization of which can result in the considerable losses, than to winning.

Actuality of the given problem and necessity of rationalization of conduct of economic agents of obuslavlivayut that the question of vagueness and risk is one of basic directions of modern mikroekonomicheskogo analysis.

On the modern stage of becoming of market relations in Ukraine all greater value for the economy of country acquires development of entrepreneurial activity.

The analysis of accepted in world practice legislation about enterprises and entrepreneurial activity shows that it determines the enterprise as initiative, independent activity of citizens and their unions, directed on the receipt of income, carried out on the risk and under the property responsibility.

New terms of management, and,in particular competition environment, does any entrepreneurial activity by a slognoprognoziruemim process. It means that to the businessmen elaborative strategy and tactic of organization and development of the business, knowledges of theory of risks without which effective entrepreneurial activity does not appear possible are extremely needed. In an economic theory and practice there is the great number of approaches to understanding of category «risk». One of them is determination of risk, how probability of origin of losses or receiving of profits less is on comparison with the forecast variant.

In the conditions of market economy, entrepreneurial activity is impossible without the risk, and, a businessman must be able to estimate a risk degree and able to handle him, with the purpose of his reduction. The given problem causes the special interest in a modern theory and practice of Ukraine, that is explained by the processes of transformation in the direction of construction of market economy. For this reason a question about development of the system of measures on the decline of innovative risks deserves the special attention.

The purpose of work is development of theoretical positions and development of methodical recommendations on the decline of innovative risks.

A research object is innovative activity of industrial enterprises.

The article of issledovnaiya is principles and methods of analysis of innovative risks.

The tasks of work are consideration of such important questions:

1) Essence and maintenance of innovative risks;

2) Reasons of origin of risk;

3) Classification of risks;

4) System of estimation of innovative risk and methods of their determination;

5) Development of recommendations on the decline of innovative risk.


1. Notion is the «innovative risk»

We will give determination to the notion "innovative risk".

The innovative risk is the activity related to overcoming of vagueness during realization of innovatsiy, in the process of which is present possibility in a number and high-quality to estimate probability of achievement of the supposed result failures and deviations from realization of innovative project.

2. Existence of risk on the stages of economic activity.

The elements of risk and vagueness in economic activity are brought in also:

- necessity of choice of new instruments of influence on an economy in the conditions of transition from extensive to the intensive methods of development;

- unbalanced of basic components of economic mechanism: planning, pricing, material and technical supply, finansovo-kreditnih relations.

3. Basic methods of estimation of degree of innovative risk

- construction of «decision tree»;

- method of analysis of expedience of expenditures;

- expert estimation;

- analytical method;

- method of the use of analogues and others.

4. Basic methods of decline of innovative risk

As basic methods of decline of innovative risk the following are considered:

1) Insurance.

2) Reservation of facilities.

3) Diversification.

4) Limitation

& Copy, DonNTU 2008

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