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Master DonNTU Kovaleva Juliya

Kovaleva Juliya

Faculty: Power engineering, mechanical engineering and automation

Speciality: Automatic control of engineering processes

Theme of master’s work: Motivation of parameters and development of technical decisions in the area of automatic supervisory operating parameters and collection of technology information an electric motor of coal combine

Leader of work: Novicov Jevgeniy


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"Motivation of parameters and development of technical decisions in the area of automatic supervisory operating parameters and collection of technology information an electric motor of coal combine"

     The system of automatic supervisory and collection of technological information of operating parameters of an electric motor of coal combine developed by me executes all of functions of device KORD 1-II, and in addition:

     - executes the transmission of control results on a surface;

     - represents the current of motor in real-time;

     - implements voice and visual signaling about exceeding of legitimate values of current;

     - account of time in which a combine worked in an operating condition;

     - modern element base of the developed system.

     Basic advantage of the system before similar existent developments is that it can be synthesized on any electric drive, attending any technological processes in a mine.

     The system of automatic supervisory and collection of technological information of operating parameters is intended for control of operating parameters and protecting from the overloads of electric motors, which work in the distributive networks of alternating current with tension to 1200 V. In coal mines data communication on the spark-safe circuit of the selected pair of flow line to the operator on a computer, registration and storage of data with the subsequent viewing and analysis. This system can be used in explosion hazard zone according to GOST 12.1.01-76 and to other technological normative documents which assign applicability of electrical equipment in explosive conditions.

     The system of automatic supervisory and collection of technological information of operating parameters of an electric motor of coal combine is hardware-software complex, composed of two basic parts:

     - the underground part includes the signal source (sensor) CS with the block of a matching divizor, and also the block of defence of ADC, the block of microprocessor and the block of defence of connection line, realized as a separate module;

     - superficial part involves the PC with install on him the specialized software (it isn’t included development of the specialized software in the tasks of this project ), the block of integration with the PC with a galvanic isolation, the block of stable current generator in circuit and the block of defence of circuit with a galvanic isolation.

     The system of automatic supervisory operating parameters and collection of technological information of operating parameters of an electric motor of coal combine will secure:

     - continuous control of load current of electric motor;

     - input signal processing and transmission of data burst on a computer to the operator;

     - visual image of load current in the real-time in the range from 0 to 600 A;

     - registration and storage of data;

     - audio and lamp signaling about the overloads of electric motor and response of current defence in the operator’s room;

     - viewing of data over a period of storage;

     - overload protection, “stall” and in completed starting of electric motor in the switch device of control which have a few defence descriptions. The type of defence description is set according to the concrete conditions of work of the electric motor and its parameters;

     - lamp signaling about the response of defence from overload and about the state of circuit;

     - temporing blocking of control device preventing switching on electric motor after the response of defence from overload.

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©DonNTU 2008 Kovaleva Juliya