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Источник: "Горные машины и оборудование.Каталог". "Mining machines and equipment. Catalogue"

     Analysis of tendencies in growth of world power engineering shows that the role of coal in fuel and energy complex will be increasing in the near future and for the Ukraine with its reserves structure of different sorts of power-fuel, coal preserves and will preserve the priority.
     Coal-fields in the Ukraine, especially in the central region of Donbass, are remarkable for complex mining-geological conditions of exploitation, i.e. low-thick and gas-volume seams, their deep bedding, tendency of most seams to sudden coal outbursts and gas blowouts, weakness of containing rocks. Average depth of working approaches 700 m; by the year 2000 it will amount to 800 m, thr exploitation of 1400-1600 m depth is forecasted. Dynamic average seam thickness as for mining is a little bit more than 1 m, that is smaller by a factor of one and a half as compared with indices of main coal extractive countries of the CIS and Europe.
     Availability of powerful machine-building base in the Ukraine coal industry (15 plants of full-scale production, 5 planning-and-design and technological institutes, wide network of pilot-experimental and ore-repairing plants) makes it possible to solve the problem of making and servicing mining equipment for any mining and geological conditions and for the whole technological cycle of coal mining.
     Conception of developing coal engineering of the Ukraine is guided by enlarging the use of progressive base technologies taking into account the experience and potentialities of conversion enterprises, by speeding up the working out and putting into full-scale production of new high-efficient equipment, by expanding cooperation with home and foreign partners.
     Important priority trend of coal mechanical engineering of the Ukraine is a creation and mastering the full-scale production of machinery for integrated mechanization of stoping works. Development of coal mining equipment for working flat seams provides making fleet for front-end units and machine complexes which work thin and superthin seams with difficult mining-geological conditions of bedding (including outburst-prone ones) without permanent presence of man in the face.
     The second trend is a replacement of stoping powered complexes on the base of frame supports and clustered breaker props by the complexes on the base of shield supports. Combines, face conveyers and unified shield supports designed for these complexes must ensure the rise in resource and reliability 1,5-2 times in comparison with replaced equipment.
     The third trend is to design and produce sets of special equipment and tools for mechanization of works at junctions between faces and gates, equipment for mechanized erection of stripes, devices and portable instruments to provide design loads on highly efficient units and complexes by considerable reduction of hand works and injuries as well as timber expenses.
     With the purpose of intensifying mining works the coal mechanical emgineering of the Ukraine enlarges the production of equipment for development works; it especially concerns combines and complexes which are able to drive openings in hard and abrasive rocks as well as rock breaking tools of new technical level. New self-powered drilling rigs, bucket rock-loading machines of universal version must secure rise in rates of driving by drilling-blasting method.
     Needs of the Ukrainian mines for effective main and local ventilation fans will be provided by the plants belonging to coal mechanical engineering involving enterprises of other branches. The production of pneumatic equipment and stowing-stoping complexes is organized by analogous means for solution of ecological problems and increase in life of mines which work coal stores under cities.
     The principle of mastering typical ranges of machines is taken as a basis of work package as for making improvements to means of underground transport, drilling equipment, mine winches and hoisting equipment.
     In general in the near future the coal mechanical engineering is called to solve the problem of speeding up the production of competitive mining equipment and provide Ukrainian miners with highly efficient and reliable machinery.
     In the suggested Catalogue the brief information is given about main plants of the Ukrainian coal mechanical engineering and its mining equipment under production. We'll be glad if You find the information of ' this issue useful for You.


    Intended to carry coal from production faces of seams, 1.35-2. 00 m thick, advancing to the strike with a dip angle of up to 35 degrees and also to the dip or to the rise of up to 10 degrees.
    The СПЦ273 conveyer with trough mounted equipment KHO is intended to operate as part of the 2KMT coal mining complex.


    Intended to carry coal of any hardness and oil shale from production faces of seams with thickess ranging from 1.05 to 2.00 m, worked on the strike with dip angles of up to 30 degrees, and also to the rise and to the dip of up to 10 degrees. The conveyer is employed in conjunction with the narrow-cut cutter-loaders equipped with either chain-type or chainless feed systems operating as part of mechanized coal-mining complexes КМ87УМ, KM88, KMT of various modifications.

    There is a number of design versions of the conveyer which differ by length, design of drives and power of motors, as well as by set of mouted equipment depending on the standard size of a coal-mining complex.

    A strengthened hauling unit using 24x86-H chains with diminished outside width of vertical links is used in the СП88 conveyer.

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