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Donetsk National Technical University Samerok Stanislav

Samerok Stanislav

Faculty: Electromechanic and automatization

Speciality: Electromechanic complexes of mining equipment

Theme of master's work: Technical decisions development for the improvement of operating and social indexes at preparatory works in hi-gas stalls

Leader of work: Prof. Potapov V.G.

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e-mail : Stasius@gala.net


           An average score during studying at the university - 4.4. I speak Russian and Ukranian fluently, English is sufficient for reading, correspondence and dialogue at a household level (Upper-Intermediate).I have a work experience in coal-mining industry at the level of work practice and masters practice. I am engaged in computers at user level.


           I was born on May, 28, 1986 in Donetsk. My parents: father - Samerok Ivan Konstantinovich, mother - Borodulina Helena Vasilievna, both got engineering education in higher education Institutes of soviet Ukraine. My mother graduated from Voroshilovgrad machine-building institute with specialization an engineer-technologist, father - Donetsk polytechnical institute, mechanic-engineer.
Preschool childhood flew very quickly and leaving in memory only feeling of carelessness hope of endless summer, maybe…

           The brightest flashback of this period is related to the date of 1.09.1993 was the first bell at school ¹13. Studying was easy for me, I began to read at the age of 5, without difficulties did mathematical tasks and liked to percept new information. I showed up aspiring to medicine, in junior classes(my grandparents are doctors), but from year to year I was more engaged in exact sciences.I took active part in intellectual and sporting life of school: participated in competitions of schools and district in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography, got prizes; took part in school competitions on football and military preparation.

           And 2003 came. Final exams. Silver medal. Interview in DonNTU. Enrolling the EMC speciality for budget form of education.

           Process of studying was successful and interesting, all exams were through in time.

           I entered the military department at DonNTU, at the second course, and I got the second lieutenant rank.

           On the second course I realized necessity of getting the second higher education. In February, 2006 I became the student of the internally-correspondence form of training on a speciality "Economy of enterprise" at faculty of improvement of professional skill and retraining of personnel at DonNTU. I graduated this course and received diploma of bachelor, and decided to get master's degree on basic speciality. I intend to continue economic education and get the diploma of master's degree.

           I made a report at VI international scientific and technical student conference «Mechanic of liquid and gas».

           During listening the «Mining machines» discipline, I chose the theme of my research work mountain machine operating indexes. My research activity is supervised by the professor of «Mining machines» Potapov Vyacheslav Grigorievich.

           Plans for the nearest future are to finish educational courses and get deserving work.

           Plans for the distant future…I will agree with one of my friends: «near 50 years-old, house ashore ocean, good family and, in addition, to nothing owe nobody».

© 2008 Samerok Stanislav
© 2008 DonNTU

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