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Master of DonNTU Dashkeev Evgenie Vasilyevich

Dashkeev Evgenie Vasilyevich

Faculty:           Geotechnology and Management of Interprise

Speciality:       Mining of mineral resources

Theme of master's work:

«Research of the mechanism of the rock massif deformation which contains workings with anchors and frame and anchoring roofing for substantiation the technique of its calculation»


Leader of work: - docent Novikov Aleksandr Olegovich

Materials on the theme of master's work:                 Abstract      Links      Report about the search      Library      The Individual task


            Average grade during training at university is 4,72. I know Russian and Ukrainian languages. I know English well. I have an operational

experience with operational systems Windows 9x, Me, XP, Vista, a package of applied programs Microsoft Office, Compass - 3D, Photo Shop.

Personal qualities:

vigorous, purposeful, sociable, able to work in a team.

Marital status:



            I was born on 20th August 1986 in the city of Dzerzhinsk, Donetsk region in a family of workers. Nationality Ukrainian. My preschool

preparation began in 1988 in a nursery school «Cheburashka» where I revealed talents for drawing, dances, music. I constantly participated in the

events, and competitions.

School days

            In 1993 at the age of 7. I went to the first year of a comprehensive school ¹1. Being diligent and purposeful. I always well studied. Constantly

took part in the school Olympic Games and without special efforts took the first places and was awarded with many diplomas. My hobby was sport.

I was very interesting in basketball and very often I could be seen on all basketball platforms of our small town. In the sixth year my parents have

given me to musical school, a piano and guitar class. I finished musical school and received a diploma with honor. Therefore the school was finished,

and already last, a new "big" life, was ahead of me.


            Having interest in technical disciplines. I chose has chosen a technical college which had a good technical base and prepared

comprehensively developed experts. As a result I became a student of specialty «Mining of mineral resources». Studying in Donetsk National

Technical University has undoubtedly left unforgettable memoirs, not only from remarkable teachers and charming lectures, but also and at

acquaintance with interesting by people, the technical literature. Since my third year I have started to receive the grant, and in the end of the fourth

year I have received an average bill which has given the chance to me to study in a magistracy.

          I don’t like speaking about the future. Nevertheless, I am planning to finish a magistracy successfully. In the near future would like to become

a well-qualified expert, to put all the unfulfilled ideas into practice and to make a career. To start a family and to be a good father for my children.

But is not enough just think necessary to work hard, immediately to solve problems, to give the idea clearly and under these conditions you will be

able to succeed.

Donetsk National Technical University      Master's portal   DonNTU      Library      Abstract      Links      Report about the search      The Individual task