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Магистр ДонНТУ Косинова Елена Александровна

Helena Kosinova

Faculty: Geotechnology and Management of enterprise

Speciality: Ecology and environmental protection

Theme of work: "Improvement of technology of utilization methane at a mine named after A. Skochinskij"

Supervizor: candidate of technical sciences, professor of the department of the ecology and environmental protection

Vladimir Artamonov

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Email: lenusja0786@mail.ru 437-296-341

About myself:

Average mark during training at university - 4,9.
I have a bachelor's degree with honour on a speciality "Ecology and environmental protection" (specialization "Ecology of mining technologies").
I have no working experience in the sphere of environmental protection. I had some practice on the speciality.
I can speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently. I can read and write letters in English and Polish. I am a confident user of a personal computer (Word, Excel).
I am punctual, responsible, sociable, reliable. I am able to work in a team.
Hobbies: science, the Internet, tourism, literature, foreign languages, photography.
I am a citizen of Ukraine. I am married.



Date of Birth:


Helena Kosinova

 15 July 1986











Donetsk National Technical University
Bachelor degree in ecology

Donetsk National Technical University
Faculty of geotechnology and management of enterprise

Secondary school №66, Donetsk



Reading :



Novels, science fiction, fantasy



IBM PC user. The mastered programs: MS Word, MS Excel, Pascal, Adobe Photoshop, ABBYY FineReader, Adobe Reader
I study the English and Polish languages



Vladimir Artamonov
Candidate of technical sciences
Professor of Ecology
Donetsk National Technical University

Victor Kostenko
Head of the Department of the environment
Donetsk National Technical University

Alla Skirda
Senior lecturer of the English Department
Donetsk National Technical University

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© DonNTU 2008 Kosinova