Russia Український

DonNTU      Masters of DNTU
Мое фото
Nelepa Kateryna

Faculty: Geotechnology and Management of enterprise

Speciality: Ecology and environmental protection

Theme of my master's work: Technologies of rational use of mine waters at a mine named after S.M. of Kirov

The head: docent, candidate of technical sciences Daniela Vygovskaja

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Abstract of the dissertation

         Nowadays mine waters are extremely harmful for the environment. They are a special technogenic and genetic type of underground waters, which considerably differ from spring waters or surface waters.
         Aggregation of different genetic types of natural waters, which come into the goaf and go through the draining system of a mine are called mine waters.
         The idea of the scientific work is to substantiate and develop technological solutions taking into account the water supply and water consumption.

The actuality of the theme.

         A sudden decrease of investments in coal industry does not enable advanced technologies to be introduced there. The problem of water pollution has become very topical especially in Donetsk region. There is not much clean water left. As the mines systematically pollute underground waters by discharging mine waters into surface waters almost without cleaning them. All these problems encourage us to look for a new innovative way of water purification with minimum costs. The technologies of mine waters purification have already been developed by the advanced scientific and research institutes but they were expensive. Thus, they are not in use at the mines.
         The aim of the research work is to choose the least expensive efficient method of mine waters purification taking into account the conditions of the mine by carrying out correlational and regressive analyses of the samples of mine waters which are taken from the mine settling basins.
         The subject of the research work is technological processes of the extraction and use of mine waters.
         The aims of the research work:
- The analysis of the situation at the mine, its influence on the environment.
- The analysis of the methods of the mine waters purification.
- The research of the chemical composition of the mine waters in the given conditions.
- To try to reuse the part of the mine waters in order to use water resources rationally.
- To substantiate the given methods of mine waters purification from an economic point of view.
         Methods of the research work are the methods of correlational and regressive analysis, prognosis and technical and economic substantiation.
         Scientific innovation: - To determine the dependence of the quantity of the pumped out mine waters within the given period of time.
- Prognosis of the maximum quantity of the pumped-out mine waters at its maximum capacity.
- The substantiation of the rational use of natural water resources at the given mine.
- Technical and economic substantiation of the water use as a resource.
         At the moment we can only recommend a complex use of technological system of methods and equipment, which decrease mine waters pollution. This system should include preventive measures in order to prevent and reduce mine waters pollution. It should be used for purification of small quantities of polluted waters. As an example we give the scheme of the technological system for the reduction of mine waters pollution. According to the regulations for surface waters protection and the instruction, the existing the enterprises that use waters and discharge drain waters beyond the determined limit are obliged to provide the water protection measures within the period of time approved by the Ministry of Ecology and natural resources of Ukraine.
         The comparison of the factual quantity of the discharged pollutants and the maximum permissible quantity at the mine named after S. M. Kirov of the state enterprise "Makyeevugol" will enable to determine the normative indices of the composition the discharged mine waters. These indices are weighed substance, dry residuum and sulfates.
         The given methods are following:
- To clean the mine water-collecting header and settling basin.
- To perform a regular laboratory control of a chemical composition of the discharged mine waters.

© DonNTU 2008 Nelepa K.

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