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Masters DonNTU Sinolickiy Yevgenij Viktorovich

Sinolickiy Yevgenij Viktorovich

Geotechnology and Management

"Mining of mineral fields"

Theme of master's work:

Geomechanic grounding of technological schemes of developing seam k8 of the mine «Oktyabrsky rudnik».

Leader of work:Ph.D., associate professor Golembievsky P.P.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract ~ ~ Links ~ ~ Report about the search



You never were conceived on expression of the known philosopher: that actually from itself present the person and as his destination?

With most childhood I was conceived on this question and presented its future - but that if me is destined to rescue the mankind from not past evil that if exactly I shall be a medicine for some genetic mutation that if in me hidden energy, capable carry out all ill on this raging passion to planet in something light, good, feathery. As, but?

My Birth was not coated secret, and appeared Sinolickiy Evgeniy Viktorovich on light on August 9 1985 in small miner's borough Dzerzhinsk. Under my appearance on light God's midwife with experience has declared: "Miner! Unless miner, but orator exactly". Here is so and began my life - lucky, times difficult and merciless, but, I think, she was not such interesting without barriers and obstacle.

Exactly life, seemed difficult, brought up in me power of the spirit and understanding that evil without good does not can be. Grew I either as all boys with scratch, bruise and stripped elbows, fist, lapses. On length several years I even thought that violet tone of my eye - something native for boy 4 years.

In general, I can characterize its nature, as friendly. Since early years I, being in encirclement child my age, disposed to itself - I had (yes that there to hide - and there is) much friends. I understand that beside each its nature and to each needs its approach, but exactly this does my friends by such miscellaneous and inimitable, but me in too most time - many-sided and communicative.

In the first class I will go with enormous pleasure - a new knowledges, new friends. Due to its sociability, on length long ten years participated in many contest as leading festive action. Learned I, in principle, well, longing to the whole new gave about itself to know. But as soon as I studied the new subjects of any subject, became why-that not interesting - a pulling to new and unexplored was swum about in me, as if worm in ripe apple.

So, after completion of the school, I have solved to enter in institute on profession, which really I liked its versatility. And, present, such profession was sewn on! With the first course I absorbed the knowledges, as sponge. Shall not be excessively modest and decorate, but sometimes not even have time to for flow of the thoughts of my teachers. This, naturally I did not stop, but some subjects happened to read again and retrain anew for greater understanding.

All years of the education in institute passed much merrily. Considering else and that I live in dormitory - so much for possible characterize one phrase: there is that to recall, nothing child to tell.

On penultimate curriculum in institute has solved not to stop on reached and will go further - in magistracy. Hope, possible, goes further out - in graduate school.

Foresee for the future do not love, since life so not predictable that all variants and does not foresee. Wanted, certainly, reach the delivered problems - a world all over the world and master its profession so to, working on professions, invent something new in science for the further seminal development of coal industry i.e. wanted leave its trace in histories.