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Etigin Stanislav Olegovich

Faculty: Physical and Metallurgical

Speciality: Processing of metals by pressure

Theme of masters work:

«Development and introduction of a technique of research of processes of use of a resource of plasticity of alloys on the basis of copper in conditions «ÀÇÎÖÌ» ».

Leader of work: Smirnov Evgeniy Nikolaevich

Materials on a theme of final work: The abstract | Library | Lincs

Email: mod03@bigmir.net

Languages:Russian, Ukranian and English .


  I, Etigin Stanislav Olegovich, was born on January, 3rd 1986. In a Konstantinovka. Parents:My Daddy - Etigin Oleg Mihajlovich, the engineer the metallurgist; mum - Etigina Irina Ivanovna in a shower the creative person since all my conscious life is engaged in Floristics.

  The moment of crossing to Donetsk absolutely dont remembet, I know only that to grandfather Etiginu Michael Grigorevichu have offered mine work in Donetsk institute black metals. Here and so our small family has got to Donetsk.

  Since six years I was trained in a comprehensive school # 5. At school of problems with study was not, the truth of parents in school caused quite often. Favourite subjects were english, mathematics and chemistry. From the first class I studied English language. After 8 classes has acted in Donetsk college it. G.A.Shtejna. In 2003 in current of 1 month it was trained in England.

  At the moment of a choice of HIGH SCHOOL and a speciality I had a firm decision - DonNTU, metallurgical faculty, a speciality - Processing of metals by pressure. Motives for receipt on the given speciality were: first, that this high school my father, secondly, has finished propensity to more exact sciences, especially to mathematics, and in the third, I did not see myself anybody another, except for the engineer. Other variants of higher educational institutions practically were not considered.

  After passage of necessary preparation, me has not made special work to act on a desirable speciality. Me have enlisted in group MoD-03b. After successful delivery of baccalaureate examination the decision to continue my training in a magistracy was accepted. In parallel with study at university I take a great interest in cars, fishing and diving. In the past to year the financier has acted in the International university of the Finance on a speciality since the given aspect in the further can expand mine a field of action.

In parallel with study at university I take a great interest in cars, fishing and diving. In the past to year the financier has acted in the International university of the Finance on a speciality since the given aspect in the further can expand mine a field of action..

  I consider, that the magistracy is a step to realization of the ideas and plans, this important link without which it will not turn out that should turn out. I consider, that never it is necessary to stop on reached and to continue to improve myself and the knowledge.

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