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Donetsk National Technical University Kasutina Tat'yana Gennadievna

Kasutina Tat'yana Gennadievna

Faculty: Physic-Metallurgical

Speciality: Industrial Heating Engineer


Leader of work: Prof.Dr.Sc. A.I.Tujahov

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Email: kira086@rambler.ru


School has ended with distinction, but without a medal. The mean score in training at university has made 4,72. Freely I know Russian, an Ukrainian language. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English. There is an operational experience with Adobe Photoshop 7, with operational system Windows. Always I aspire to expand the knowledge. I take a great interest in logic and intellectual games, puzzles.

Short biography:

The childhood

I was born in small town Авдеевка in hot summer day on July, 17th, 1986. Mum has ended medical school and works in local hospital, the daddy studied in Donetsk polytechnical technical school and now works on АКХЗ. Still there is younger sister, at present it leaves school. In 2 years me have given to a garden... I did not like to go there, but it was necessary. At last last day in a garden and...


I have gone to Avdeevsky school №2 in 1993. Probably anybody never will forget the school days. I remember till now practically все:первые tears for the first two and joyful laughter for the first five, the first pleasures and disappointments. I remember as first time has struck the boy the book that it has pulled a plait. And that only there are "familiar expressions" of teachers: "fat there is only a borsch", "whom we will wake today and we will wish good morning", and to that similar. Yes, it is unforgettable years. Since the sixth class I began to go on the Olympiads.


About a speciality industrial I have learnt the heating engineer on preliminary courses, have written a rating and have arrived in 2003th year in Donetsk National Technical University. The most difficult courses for me is the first and the second when to you all nuances of a student's life are yet known. The institute life sharply differs from the school. At school run for you, and at institute you run, hand over , laboratory and at last session. Though the institute is freedom... Yes, freedom and feeling of self-responsibility, but I is happy with itself. After reception of degree of the bachelor I have arrived in a magistracy on the budget. At that time I yet especially understood, than the diploma of the expert differs from the diploma of the master. But to neglect possibility I did not become. Together with the head of the diploma we have chosen a theme masters works and worked over it. But to complain it is not necessary, I am glad, that have got to the head to whom the destiny of its students is not indifferent.

Plans and the purposes on the near future...

Work and once again work. It is necessary to realise the ideas, to reach successes in the career, to provide to the family the good and light future.

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