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Master of DonNTU Kolosovskii Sergey Valerievich

Kolosovskii Sergey Valerievich

Faculty: "Physical-and-Metallurgical Department"

Speciality: "Industrial heat-and-power engineering"

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Theme of master's work:
"Investigation and modernization of the system of the autonomous heating with the use of heat generator of vortical type"

Scientific leader: associate professor, Piatishkin G.G.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract Library Links

I was born on the 5th of May,1986 in the town of Novogrodovka Donetsk region,Ukraine. I spent my childhood in my native town. I was brought up by my parents and grandparents,and I didn't go to the kindergarten. My mother and grandfather are schoolteachers, so thanks to them I learnt to read and to count, to play chess and draughts long before going to school.

From early childhood a book became my favourite thing and I was mainly interested in phisics, geography, astronautics, mathematics and chemistry. So mostly all the books of my home library were soon read by me.

I like to study and I was always an excellent pupil at school. I took part in town contests in mathematics, Ukrainian,chemistry,biology, geography and English and won prize-winning places. When I was the eleventh-former, I took part in the regional contest in geography. I left school with gold medal.

Taking into confideration my interests and abilities to exact and natural sciences the choosing of the higher establishment wasn't a problem for me. And I was happy when in March, 2003 according to the results of mathematic tests I became the student of DonNTU. While studing at the University my favorite subjects were special ones: technical thermodynamics, hydro-gas-dynamics, heat-mass-exchange, boiler plants, etc. Just this is my supervisor of studies Piatishkin G.G. arose my interest in the realization of calculating experiment in the recearch of processes of heat and mass exchange.

In 2007 I received a bachelor's diploma of power-engineering and entered the magistrates of DonNTU.

The years of studing in the University are really the best period of life! During this period of time I was not only successful in studing but I made many friends and received a large knowledge of life. I had enough time both for hard studing and good rest.

I like swimming and roller-skating. I'm a good sportsman and energetic person and my motto is:"Movement is the best style of life". As for reading, my favourite writers are Paulo Koelho and Dale Carnegie. The more of their works I read - the more I know and understand.

In the nearest future I want to realize my best qualities and abilities, especially in the sphere of my future profession.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract Library Links