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Магистр ДонНТУ Маркеев Денис Вячеславович

Markeev Denis Vyacheslavovich

Faculty: FMF

Speciality: OMD

Theme of final work:

Analytical researches of influencing of the modes of process of rolling on exactness of the prepared rental

Leader: Kashaev V. M.

Materials on the theme of final work: Master's degree work | References| Foto|Library

Email: us6ifq@mail.ru

About itself (main):

Middle mark in the period of teaching in the university 4,5. Freely I own Russian, Ukrainian, in a volume sufficient for reading and correspondence, I own English. In own time I am engaged in radiom.

Short biography:


It was born on the March, 2, 1984г. in Donetsk. How all soviet children walked in a garden and rode three-wheeled bicycle



And came evil 90th years and I went out into a 1 class in school № 124 Donetsk. My fascinations were at that time: vaudeville dances, drawing, English, musical school(fono). After time it was had to move and I already in a 2 class at school №69. From fascinations was not here thick therefore I began close to get busy ball by -sportivnimi dances. Through time I finished 9 klasov and entered Donetsk Electrometallurgy technical school on speciality the "Treatment of metals by pressure", where continued to be engaged in dances and interisovatsya technique.In 1999 first got on the collective wireless station UT4IZL. After a few months got the personal call-sign and already made first advances in ether. In 2002 practice in technical school began, which passed on a workplace on "DMZ ".


In 2003г. I act in DonNTU on speciality the "Treatment by metalov pressure". In 2007г. I enter city council.

Plans and purposes on the nearest future - to make off a city council and find deserving job.

Distant purposes - to plant a tree, to build a house.

DonNTU> Portal of master's degrees DonNTU> Master's degree work | References | Foto |