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Прокопенко Антон Николаевич

Prokopenko Anton

Faculty: The Physical-metallurgical faculty

Speciality: treatment of metals by pressure

Theme of master's work:

Research of method of rolling of thick letters from perekreschennyam visey valkiv of chernovoy cage

Leader of work:

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract |Article | Useful references


Short biography:

I was born on June, 11, 1986 in town Khartsyzsk to the Donetsk area. As all of normal children, in age seven years went out into school of №24. From childhood carried with the most different types of sport, but stopped for football. However much all of my fascinations interfered with me well studies to come forward for a local command on football. So years went, while it was not necessary to be thoughtful about further the fate. To completion of school in 2003, on the persuasions and on advice parents, I decided to act in DONNTU on speciality "Treatment of metals pressure "

In the total, now, my main priority is successful completion of DONNTU. On future job I would like to realize all of the professional capabilities.

DonNTU> Master's portal | Abstract | Article | Useful references