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Repin Yuriy

Faculty: Physical-and-Metallurgical

Speciality: Energy management

Theme of master's work: Analysis and optimization of energy efficacy of budget sphere object's in Donetsk region

Leader of work: c.t.s. docent of chair "Industrial heat-and-power engineering" Popov À.L.


Research paper | Bibliographic list | Links | Report about the search | Master’s thesis

Short biography:

I was born in 23 of April 1986 in Svetlodarsk, Donetsk region. Since 1993 to 2003 I attended Svetlodarsk secondary school. I took part in school, town and region competitions at different subjects.

In 2003 I entered Physical-and-Metallurgical Department of Donetsk National Technical University with specialization “Energy management”. In 2007 I finished military chair, I was conferred to rank of junior lieutenant. I’m studying in accordance with masters degree now.

My parents live and work in Svetlodarsk.

Professional description:

- average studying mark is 5.0

- languages: speaking English

- I can work in PC as a user, finished courses in Personal retraining Institute, I was conferred to qualification electronic computer technique operator

- I have diplomas and honor papers for activity in university life and science achievements, I took part in science conferences at energetic, ecology and information science

I take part in students science conferences every year. I have a diploma for best paper in VI-th International science conference «Preservation of the environment and rational use of natural resources».

- The subject of paper is «Comparative analysis of ecological efficiency of heat supply systems»

- I take part in contests inside the university. I have a diploma for paper «Elaboration and realization of ciphering-decrypting of algorithm with one-alphabetical substitution»

- since 01.02.07 in collaboration with «Energy management center» I take part in energy audits of some objects of budget sphere.

Personal description:

- my sports preference is tennis and football

- I am executive, hard-working, punctual person. I’m sociable and honest, polite and responsive with people.

DonNTU | Master's portal | Research paper | Bibliographic list | Links | Report about the search | Master’s thesis