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Masters DonNTU Grinchenko Dar'ya Vladimirovna
Grinchenko Dar'ya Vladimirovna

The Faculty of: Computer Science and Informatics (FCSI)
Speciality: "Computer ecology-economic monitoring"
Òheme of masters work: Prognostication of demographic development of region
Supervisor: Serik Alexander Evgenievich

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Shortly about myself:

  Date of birth: 06.04.1986.

  The average mark for the period of study: 4,82.

  Language skills: Russian and Ukrainian - native languages, English – well enough for reading and dealing with business correspondence.

  I have experience in:

    - programming on: HTML, PHP, Delphi, Ñ, Ñ++;

    - working with databases: Access, MySQL;

    - working with programme products: Macromedia Flash, Map Info, Statistica, Matlab, ArcView GIS, Photoshop, 1Ñ Accountancy.

  Hobby: flower-growing, cinematography, travelling, cookery.

Short biography:

  My childhood

I was born on the 6th of April 1986 in Donetsk. My mother, Grynchenko Svetlana Yurivna (1964), worked as a mechanical engineer in design office for a long time. My farther, Gryncheko Vladimir Vladimirovich (1963), is a motor mechanic, he worked in the airport of Donetsk. I didn’t attended the kindergarten, because after my first visit there I had caught a cold and had been seriously ill, and my parents decided to leave me at home with my grandmother, Grinchenko Vera Yakovlevna, who taught me to read and to write, and thanks to whom I found out lots of new and interesting things.

  School years

At the age of 7 I started to attend school. I almost don’t remember my first school, because I learned there only 3 years – it was school ¹ 42. Further on I attended school ¹117, there I learned up to the 7th form, after that we moved to another district, there was school ¹ 97 which I finished in 2003. At school I liked mathematics and Russian literature more than other subjects, because the teachers of these subjects were the best ones, to my mind. Being a pupil of the 11th form I thought quite a lot about where to get higher education. And I don’t know why, but I chose Donetsk National Technical University (Don NTU). Maybe because my mother and many friends had graduated from it, or maybe also because of teachers’ advice to choose exactly this university. At first, I wanted to enter the economical faculty, but although I had good knowledge of math, I had no chances to do it. That’s why having looked through the list of all specialities I chose “computer ecologico-economical monitoring” and although I didn’t know information science well enough I decided to apply for this speciality. This was my last chance to enter the university, because before I had tried to pass exams on the economical faculty. Having got “4” in math exam, it was really difficult for me, I entered the university, the best one in Donetsk, to my point of view.

  The University

The chosen speciality appeared to be very interesting, because besides economical subjects there were computer ones also interesting enough. More than that, I liked my new group, there were a lot of interesting people with whom it was interesting to communicate. In some time a lot of them became my friends. The first three years of study gave me the basic knowledge in programme writing and I explored in myself the abilities to study information science. After the results of the fourth year my average mark was 4,82. On the fifth year I took the master course on my speciality at the same university. As I’m interested not only in IT, but also in economics, I wanted to use my knowledge of IT in economics in my master’s work, that’s why I’ve chosen Serik Alexander Evgenievich as my supervisor. The title of master’s work is: “”.

  My future plans

So to say, I haven’t made any far going plans? But in the nearest future I’d like to finish my master’s work and to uphold it. I’m also getting the second higher education ( speciality “Accountancy and Audit”). I’d like to get a job that would give me possibilities to be realised as a specialist, to use my knowledge and skills in both first and second education.

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