Master DonNTU Mirgorod Vadim Sergejevivh

Mirgorod Vadim

Faculty: Computer science and informatics

Speciality: Computer systems and networks

Theme of master's work:

Web content management system

Leader of work: Ph.D Malcheva R.V.



Aboute me

Middle mark in the period of studies in university: 4.19.


  • Native Russian and Ukrainian.
  • Good colloquial and technical English.

Professional skills

  • Programming of interactive web sites.
  • Search Engine Optimization.
  • Programming of business software.
  • Software design, working out technical task.
  • Writing technical documentation.
  • Design and administration of local networks.

Programming languages and technologies

  • C/C++, MS Visual C++, Borland C++ Builder.
  • Pascal, Borland Delphi, MS Visual Basic.
  • PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
  • MySQL, Microsoft Access, InterBase.
  • UML, DirectX, ActiveX, COM, SVN.

Experience of work

  • Mar. 2008 – Nowadays – programmer, system administrator, Continental.
  • Jul. 2005 – programmer, Donetsk Tare Factory.
  • Mar. 2004 – Sep. 2005 – programmer, Algo-Rithm.

Activity in school and university

  • I have taken prize places in contests in informatics.
  • I have spoken on conferences.
  • I took participation in university performances.

Personal qualities

  • Responsible.
  • Communicable.
  • Creative.


  • Tourism.
  • Playing guitar.
  • Skiing.
  • Snowboarding.

Short biography

Birth and Family

I was born on 16 of September, 1986 in Donetsk, Ukraine. My parents were engineers. Father was working in Physical Technical Institute and mother was studying in Makeevka Engineering Building Institute when I was born.


When I was a child, I spend much time with my grandmothers and cousins. Sometimes we went to the Theater together. I liked to play meccano and football. I attended kindergarten, but I didn’t like it. In the childhood I was attending chess club and was taking up gymnastics. I like my childhood.


In 1992 I entered Pro-gymnasium. In Pro-gymnasium I studied additional subjects such as English, French, ethics, aesthetics, informatics, judo, ball-room dances. Studying in Pro-gymnasium was very interesting and I liked it.

In 1996 I entered 5th school of Donetsk. In that time my favorite’s subjects was Physics and History.

In 2001 I entered Donetsk College. Studying in Donetsk College was more difficult and interesting then in 5th school. There I liked informatics very much. In 2003 I have taken 1st place in Contest in informatics in my city. Then I participated in All-Ukrainian Contest in informatics. Also I have taken 3rd place in All-Ukrainian contest in informatics of Small Academia of Science. When I was a schoolboy I and my friends took 3rd place in ACM Donetsk Regional Student Command Contest in Informatics.


In 2003 I entered Donetsk National Technical University, Department of Computer Engineering. Studying at University was difficult and interesting. I had been taking all subjects in English since 2004 till 2007. In 2006 I worked as a programmer in Algo-Rithm. In 2007 I have got Bachelors Diploma with 4.18 average mark. I entered master’s course of Computer Engineering in Donetsk National Technical University in 2007.


I am creative person and I have merrily a good time. I play guitar. Sometimes I compose music. I played in a jazz band in 2006. I like traveling, skiing, and riding bicycle. My hobby is creating content management system of internet site; it is also theme of my master’s work.

Purposes in life

I want to make achievement in Internet development, something like useful internet service. I’m creating a computer company and I want it to be profit and useful.

I want people in Ukraine to be more friendly and responsible. I want every person in the World to have conditions for self improving.

I’m realizing my purposes.

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