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Donetsk National Technical University SHULIKOV Alexander

SHULIKOV Alexander

Faculty: Computer science and Informatics

Speciality: Software engineering

Theme of master's work: Increase a productivity of the Prolog language compiler using the mechanism of parallel calculations

Leader of work: Datsun Natalia Nikolaevna

Materials on the theme of master's work: Main page | Abstract


Middle mark in the period of studies in university is 4.84. Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian.


      I was born on January 16th, 1986 in Donetsk to a family of railwaymen. The father - Shulikov Valeriy Anatolevitch - was the master of locomotive depot for that moment, mother - Shulikova Valentine Stepanovna - was the assistant station-master for that moment. At the age of 2 month my family moved to the permanent residence in Jasinovataja town, Donetsk region. Permanent details of that time are not remembered any more. Often I used to go to my grandmother, who lived in Donetsk, on holidays and days off. On drawing lessons in kindergarten I had time to draw for me and my neighbor, who was sitting with me at the table, though I can’t draw well till now. I learned to read comparative in young ages – to my schooldays I could read on my own. I asked a lot of questions, such as: how and why?
      I didn’t have the wunderkind talents in childhood (or didn’t notice that I did). I was interested in everything, that surrounded and came across on eyes. During the autumn evenings I liked to sit with a company of my friends near the fire, it was well remembered in turn.


      At the age of 7 was time to go to school. I wished to go there unlike other children. Thereby I found myself at school N1 in Jasinovataja. The method of giving us marks was especially remembered - those who received marks 4 or 5, were getting a picture of hedgehog or hare holding a number in hands, and could carry it home for 1 day to boast of at home and return after. Once my triumph had come also - we were expecting for guests at home, therefore I've done my best and brought home a picture with my first "5" flaunting on it. In the third grade, the first computer ZX-Spectrum was presented to me for extraordinary merits to the having rendered great services to my fatherland - I've got a record of "Good Behavior" in a quarterly school progress report.
      A bit later - when I was in 7-8th grade teachers started to send me to the school and city Olympiads. I remember precisely, that in 8th grade I have been taking first places in mathematics, biology, labour and the third place in a chemistry. In 9th grade it was approximately the same. After the 9-th grade which I've finished with the red certificate of incomplete secondary education, I entered to the Donetsk lyceum "Erudite" with physical and mathematical division, which also has been graduated successfully with a gold medal.
      Except studying at school the computer games on ZX-Spectrum were taking place in my life, which were loaded from a cassette tape recorder with a terrible squeak, the first programs on a slim-down version of Basic, walking, reading books, etc. It was cheerfully joyfully in lyceum. It may be just because those years are not so far yet, as at school and that’s why are better remembered. During the two years of studying  we won KVN twice - once we were competiting with the senior rate, and after becoming seniors - with younger. In that time I got my first "real" personal computer.
      An interest to disciplines has been changing during the course. But with an enviable regularity they were balanced between strict and natural sciences. Various kinds of humanitarian things seemed rare tedium.


      At the end of studying in lyceum I decided to try my fortune in rating tests in Donetsk National Technical University. High school and speciality “Software engineering” has been chosen not casually. There are not many alternatives to the University in Donetsk, besides there is ill fame about training of students, who have chosen my speciality. During studying in liceum I became took interest in programming, therewith specificity of a physical and mathematical structure very pragmatically to look for this speciality. It just happened that one of best teacher in mathematics all over our region, Potemkina Larisa Leonidovna, was lecturing in our lyceum. At 11th grade there were a lot of tasks on algebra, we devoted to rating preparations. It was much more difficult with computer sciences – there was lack of teachers good in programming, some of them were closer to different kind of office software, rather than to rating tasks. At the end - ratings had been passed successfully, still being a school-leaver I already had an opportunity to act in DonNTU.
      Further so-called day-to-day activities have begun. It was boring to listen to some subjects on the first course - therefore as elements of programming have been mastered up to university. And such as physics just reminded about school time. As it had turned out further - the program practically in each semester separated on 2 logic parts - on interesting and on not clearly what for is it necessary. Therefore, as a rule, lectures on a speciality caused interest, and a different sort humanitarian orientations - drowsiness.
      From especially important achievements of being at the university it is possible to separate out such as successful passing baccalaureate examination, receiving the budgetary place in a magistracy, and, I hope, successful MPhil’s defending. And a special event that should be signed out – is successful graduating military faculty and getting an officer rank. It is useful in life and 1,5 years will keep for a good business.       After entering magistracy a small homestretch have left. As for my opinion, here is nothing special in studying. Actually during the 1st semester there are more tasks than experts execute, but clearly pragmatically it is difficult to behold an obvious advantage.


      Difficult to plan the future, subjecting to the country in which we live and unpredictability of vital cataclysms. Be guided is possible only approximately. It is good to have perspective, well paid job according to received speciality in the first 5 years. For the next 10 years — to achieve an important management position. For the next 20 years — everything other (to grow up the son, to build the house, to plant a tree).:)

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