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Alexandra Zaytseva

Faculty: Computer Science
Speciality: Economic cybernetics
E-mail: zaitsevaa@mail.ru

Theme of master's work:

"Modelling of acceptance of investment decisions in conditions of uncertainty"

Scientific adviser: ph.d. of technical science
Dmitrieva Olga Anatolyevna





Search results

Individual task


  • Microsoft Project
  • Project Expert 6 Holding
  • MathCAD
  • Matlab
  • «1Ñ: Ïðåäïðèÿòèå»
  • «Ïàðóñ-Ïðåäïðèÿòèå»
  • RationalRose
  • BPWin
  • Microsoft Office
  • «3ds Max»
  • Languages: english, russian, ukrainian

About me:

Middle mark in the period of studies in university is 4,87.
Personal qualities: purposefulness, the responsibility, skill to communicate, skill to work in a command.
Hobbies: sports, tourism, dances, psychology.
The marital status: not married.


:: The childhood ::

The History of my family has begun very interestingly. My parents lived in Russia in different cities and knew nothing about each other existence. Mum – Zaytseva Marina Viktorovna lived in Orenburg, and the daddy - Zaytsev Sergey Vladimirovich – in Kamyshine. Once mums of my parents have offered prestigious work in Donetsk at a developing and promising enterprise. They have accepted the offer and have moved to live to Donetsk. Working at one enterprise, my grandmothers have got acquainted and have made friends, and in due course have acquainted their children with each other (mine mum and daddy). In 1985 they have got married, and I was born on August, 21st 1986.

Since the earliest childhood I have aspired to independence. I liked to sing and dance very much. I often put on mum’s clothes and acted to parents as on a stage. This love to scenic performances was shown the next years and has remained till now. In kindergarten I liked English lessons and liked to draw dresses for dolls. In due course this interest became more serious hobby – modeling of lady's wear.

::The school ::

In 1993 I have gone to a Donetsk comprehensive school ¹ 96. By results of preschool testing I was taken in the strongest class. And I am grateful to destiny that has got there. It was not only the strongest, but also the friendliest class. We grew and studied together, spend holidays and overcame difficulties. I consider that because of that friendly atmosphere which reigned in our class, we have learned to appreciate friends and people close to us. Not surprisingly, that my school friends and I often meet to spend time together, and to recollect all that good, that connects us.

Parents have brought up me very responsible and diligent girl, therefore I gave study a lot of attention. Results of it were the gold medal and set of creditable letters. I often went to various regional Olympiads: on the mathematics, the physics, geography and others. In spite of the fact that I gave a lot of time to study, my duties included the organization of various school actions. In general I participated very actively in a school public life.

From the second class I have started to go to dancing lessons: national, ball, variety. I consider, that employment by dances have played very important role in my life. At first, it is experience of dialogue with a lot of people of different age in dancing collective. Secondly, this is creative development and development of teaching skills. In fact I not only went to a dancing school, but also was engaged in statement of dancing items at school. The most important is a pleasure which you test when you step on stage. It seems to me, that if the person, even time acted on the big stage, it already never will forget this sensation. In 11 class, unfortunately, I had to throw employment by dances because I have started to assiduously prepare for receipt in university.

In 10 class I as the school representative had sent in School of leaders. There we learned to work in a command, correctly leave disputed situations, operatively make of the decision commands favorable to all participants, to apply a method of brain storm to development of various strategies and so on.

:: The university ::

One of the most complex stages for me became the moment of a choice of the further direction of study. That I will go to study in Donetsk national technical university was defined somehow by itself. And here above a choice of a specialty I thought long enough. My firs decision was to go to economic department but when I got to know that it is impossible to act on the budget by ratings, started to consider other choice. And my choice has fallen on a specialty "Economic cybernetics ". I prepared for receipt almost year, being engaged in mathematics and computer science, and efforts of have justified all. In university I have entered on a budgetary place by results of rates tests and in the spring I have known that I am a student.

The most complex for me was the first year - it was heavy to organize time and to generate own educational rhythm. But already from the second year to study it became easier and more interesting. On the third year I took part in competition of beauty between Donetsk HIGH SCHOOLS and have received a prize of " spectator sympathies ". It, probably, was the brightest memoirs in my student's life.

What about study, I actively took part in various student's scientific conferences. During studying at the University I have received skills of work in software packages: STATISTICA, Microsoft Project, Project Expert 6 Holding, MathCAD, Matlab, " 1C: The enterprise "," Sail-enterprise ", RationalRose, BPWin, Microsoft Office. Studying " 3ds Max " where we developed animated advertising were especially interesting to me.

Upon graduation from fourth year I obtained a distinction. Having high enough mean score (4,87) I could continue studying in a magistracy (the budgetary form of studying). In sphere of professional interests my preferences began to appear already from the first year. Special interest for me such directions, as represented investment, marketing, advertising.

As last years in Ukraine the big attention is given questions of investment (because of carrying out of the championship of EURO - 2012), and at the same time economic and political situations in the country continue to remain astable and adverse for investment, I have decided to understand this problem. It became the defining factor in a choice of subjects master’s dissertation - " Modelling of acceptance of investment decisions in conditions of uncertainty ". The choice of the head also was obvious to me - Dmitrieva Olga Anatolevna is one of the best teachers and the expert of a high level in the given sphere.

:: Plans for the future ::

In the future I am going to protect the master’s dissertation and to receive the diploma of the master. I wish to find interesting work where I could show the knowledge and skills, which demands dialogue with interesting people, allows receiving not only material, but also moral satisfaction, to learn a lot of new, comprehensively to develop.

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