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 Aleksandr Klimov

Aleksandr Klimov

Faculty: Mineral and geological

Speciality: Marksheder

Theme of master's work: Calculation of barrier sights near the flooded developments

Leader of work: Nesterenko Boris Ivanovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstruct | Links | Report about the search


Short biography:

Date of Birth: 08 April 1986

Nationality: Russian

Address: 5a-57 Vasnetsova Street


Telephone: 8(0622)53-05-48, 8-050-109-14-36


1993-1996 School – namber 24

1996-2003 School – namber 62

2003-2008 Donetsk National Technical University

2007 bachelor's degree

2008 studying at: Masters of Donetsk National Technical University

Hobby: Computer, electronics, books

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