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Natalia Saharova Donetsk National Technical University

Natalia Saharova

Mining and geological faculty

Speciality: Ecological geology

Theme of master's work:

«Features of display of ecologically dangerous deformation structures in geochemical and atmogeochemical fields of a zone of a joint of Donbass with Priazovye »

Leader of work: associate professor, candidate of geologo-mineralogical sciences Victor Alehin

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search | Individual task


Date of birth - 7 August 1986

Nationflity - Russia

2007 to present - Donetsk National Technical University, master’s courses, Specialty “Ecological geology”

Summer of 2007 - Diploma of Bachelor in Ecology

2003 to present - Donetsk National Technical University - Mining and geological faculty, Specialty “Ecological geology”

Winter of 2008 - Donetsk National Technical University, Mining and geological faculty, The third production practice

September of 2007 - Donetsk National Technical University, Mining and geological faculty, The second production practice

July of 2006 - The first production practice (Dokuchaevsk city)

October 2005 - Training «HIV/AIDS»

May of 2004 - The Geological practice in Krimia

1992-2003 - Secondary school # 44, Donetsk

1993-2002 - Musical school # 7, Donetsk

Sports: Athletics

Basik knowledge of English

DonNTU> Master's portal | Abstract | Links | Report about the search| Individual task