Abstrakt. Solovyova E. The influence of solid refuses estimation of “Gornyak” mine “Selidovugol” on the environment and their recultivation perspectives
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Solovyova Ekaterina

Solovyova Ekaterina

Faculty: Mineral and geological

Speciality: Ecological geology

Theme of master's work:

The influence of solid refuses estimation of “Gornyak” mine “Selidovugol” on the environment and their recultivation perspectives

Leader of work: Professor Proskurnia Julia

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Donetsk region is the place in Ukraine, where ecology became to a crisis condition. Great number of coke and chemical, mining and other types of industry saturate Donbass air, solid and water of various manufacturing wastes. However the district occupies only 5% of the territory of the country the part of hurtful ejection make 40%. In the Donbass atmosphere there is high concentration of carbon monoxide, phenol, ammonia, sulphur compounds and other dangerous substances were adds radiation. Terricons, especially burning bring a great infraction to the Donbass environment. On the coal industry refuses directed thousands of tons of solid, which occupy great territories. The majority of refuses are burning, but even those, which are like extinct, they continue their glowing. A high temperature is keeping in their bowels, besides, there is a great quantity of arsenic, mercury, cyanides, sulphur and other dangerous substances and their compounds. A great number of refuses in Donbass (1257) are because of deep bedding of coal days, which need many mountain works and a great number of days near 0.6 – 1.5 miters high, which flare after outworking and mining.
Refuses get solid from cantel mine , from concentration manufacture or from group of coal concerns. The greatest hurt to the nature landscape brings empty of conic and chain refuses which height in some cases reaches 110 – 120 meters high. The size and shape of refuses influence on the change of heat intensity in the bottom zones and make absorbing qualities of refuses and block heat generation and accumulation. The intensive processes are on the ridges and on the peaks of conic refuses, which are easily blow round. Besides, the heart burning of the surface of different configuration takes place there. Researches, made in Donbass region had shown that refuses 30 meters high almost are not burning, the refuses of 50 metres high are 60% burning, 90 metres – 87%, more than 90 metres high almost all refuses are burning.
According to the temperature condition all the refuses are divided into burning and unburning. The refuse is burning, if it has even one heart of burning (no matter of its area), with solid temperature over 80C in 2.5 metres deep. Gases, spured into the atmosphere by the burning refuses made of H2S, SO2, CO, CO2, NH3, H2O, CH4, F, Cl, As and other toxic elements and compounds influences greatly on solid and animals plants and farms.
The main factors of the refuses bad influence on the environment are nature landscape interaction;
  • dust and gas atmosphere pollution;
  • the hydrogeology of the nearest areas;
  • the chemical and radiological pollution of solids and water.

  • The object of the research work is main “Gornyak” “Selidovugol”

    The subject of the research work is environment and people health in the town Gornyak.

    The methods of the investigation:
    On different stages of the investigitation different methods were used:
  • the literature data analysis was used to observe existing research works;
  • the statistics, correlation analysis and the methods of analytical graphical data interpretation were used for data processing.

  • The science newness of the research work is in the following: analysis of the influence terrikons of the main “Gornyak” on the environment and people health and the possibility of their use in national economy were not made earlier.

    Basic position

    In the period of mass closing of mines until 1996 on the territory of land grant were 100 mines and 1 concentration manufacture which were in “Ukruglerestrukturizacia” were 415 solid refuses, 84 of which are burning and 331 are unburning.
    The “Gornyak” mine in Krasnoarmeysk district of Donetsk region near 50 km from the department centre the city of Donetsk. Nowadays “Gornyak” mine is under Selidovo mines liquidation administration “Donuglerestrukturizacia” which is occupied with its liquidation according to decree ¹ 93 from 16.03.2000. On the 01.08.2000 the work of mine was stopped. Today there is neither coal mining no transit of boards. Nowadays there take place sustention works for keeping coal boards and bailing. According to the records general land grants under the main industry objects amount 33.66 h.
    Today the main pollution roots on the industry area are solid refuses. There are 2 solid refuses on the mine balance. The cone solid refuse is on the West side from the industry area basement is not exploited until 2000 and it is burning. The height of the refuse is 100 metres, the basement square is 63000 metres in quarter, dusting surface 92700 metres in quarter, the angle of slope – 38 degrees, the ash quantity – 83%, the quantity of sulphur – 0.5%.
    The flat solid refuse adjoins to the conic refuse from the North. The refuse is burning and unexploited since 2000 year. The refuse is 42 metres high, basement square is 32000 metres in quarter, dusting surface is 33000 metres in quarter, the angle of slope – 40 degrees, the ash quantity – 81%, the quantity of sulphur – 0.5%. There are a lot of debris after the mine liquidation, on the flat solid refuse.
    The main method of estimation of the solid refuses influence on the environment is temperatured survey.

    Anticipated results

    Temperatured survey which was made in time helps in making arrangements in work with burning fire-places and especially with extinction projects. Temperatured survey of “Gornyak” mine took place once a year.
    According to the temperatured sample on the solid refuses made by author during 2004-2006 year with Surfer program were built isotermic maps on the different deeps.
    After building maps we came to the conclusion, that tendency of size and quantity growing and increasing of solid temperature are common. In this way in the solid refuse ¹1 the burning hearth began occupying more territory in 2006 year, compare to the 2004 year. The highest temperature had grown from 383 to 401 degrees. On the solid refuse ¹2 the situation is the same: their quantity had grown. In 2004 year there was only one burning hearth, and in 2006 there was two. The burning hearth appeared in the Earth of the map, and the highest temperature had grown from the 147 degrees in 2004 year to 201 degrees in 2006 year.
    This way the result of our researches was the conclusion that refuses of “Gornyak” mine are burning (the temperature grows to 80 degrees), and the temperature grows in the bottom and all the time, that’s why they continue to be the root of ecological danger. It necessary to say, that sanitary zone for these refuses must be near 500 metres, but it cant be so, because there are 7 houses. In mechanical zone (200 metres) there is only 1 house. That’s why we think that it is necessary to make the next works in burning solids extinction: prick in plants, and using the terricon solids in national economy.
    The nature protection works to decline the influence of solid refuses on the environment are:
  • packing of boards, using solids and concentration waste;
  • extinction (if it is necessary) and overforming the previous solids and refuses;
  • recultivation and prick in plants of solid refuses;
  • using of the solid refuses in different ways on the surface (for making building materials, covering of ploughs, building of roads with bituminous concrete and others.)

  • The most using of solids is in the lower bed of two beds as a basement for roads. The special place in making products of solids take binding soids – blocks of different size, mass, form, which are used for binding of winzes. In future we may have an opportunity of getting sulphur, as a by-work production. These solids can be considered as a potential root of sulphur raw. Big tenor of Al O is typical for the Donbass terricons (near 28% in argillits and near 44% in tonsteens). Also, in Donbass Al O is: in routine coal wastes – 23.1%, from concentration manufactures- 20.2%, in flotation wastes – 25.8%, in solid refuses – 21.7%. that means, that we have an opportunity of getting aluminum from solid refuses of “Gornyak” mine, because the tenor of Al O is near 23%.
    So, the solid refuses of “Gornyak” mine are burning, well then it has a bad influence on the nearest territories and people lived near the terricons. For the improvement of the ecological situation it is necessary to extinct the burning solids, to prick in plants, to recultivate and use. The using of the solid refuses will bring not only ecological, but also economic effect.
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