Donetsk National Technical University
      Faculty of
Тechnologies &

Master DNTU  Khaustova Darya

Khaustova Darya

Speciality: Information control systems and technologies

Theme of master's work: Development of computer subsystem for decision-making during planning and distributing construction works

Leader of work: associate professor Svetlichnaya Viktoriya Antonovna

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Active development of new construction leads to search of newest methods of planning, organization and distribution of construction works.

Ant algorithms were first proposed by Dorigo and colleagues as a multi-agent approach to difficult combinatorial optimization problems like the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and the quadratic assignment problem (QAP). There is currently a lot of ongoing activity in the scientific community to extend/apply ant-based algorithms to many different discrete optimization problems. Recent applications cover problems like vehicle routing, sequential ordering, graph coloring, routing in communications networks, and so on. So I will use Ant algorithm for optimization of distribution construction works.

Ant algorithms were inspired by the observation of real ant colonies. Ants are social insects, that is, insects that live in colonies and whose behavior is directed more to the survival of the colony as a whole than to that of a single individual component of the colony. Social insects have captured the attention of many scientists because of the high structuration level their colonies can achieve, especially when compared to the relative sim- plicity of the colony's individuals. An important and interesting behavior of ant colonies is their foraging behavior, and, in particular, how ants can find shortest paths between food sources and their nest.

While walking from food sources to the nest and vice versa, ants deposit on the ground a substance called pheromone, forming in this way a pheromone trail. Ants can smell pheromone and, when choosing their way, they tend to choose, in probability, paths marked by strong pheromone concentrations. The pheromone trail allows the ants to find their way back to the food source (or to the nest). Also, it can be used by other ants to find the location of the food sources found by their nestmates.

It has been shown experimentally that this pheromone trail following behavior can give rise, once employed by a colony of ants, to the emergence of shortest paths. That is, when more paths are available from the nest to a food source, a colony of ants may be able to exploit the pheromone trails left by the individual ants to discover the shortest path from the nest to the food source and back.

In order to study in controlled conditions the ants' foraging behavior, the binary bridge experiment has been set up by Deneubourg et al.(see Figure 1a). The nest of a colony of ants of the species Linepithema humile and a food source have been separated by a double bridge in which each branch has the same length. Ants are then left free to move between the nest and the food source and the percentage of ants which choose one or the other of the two branches is observed over time. The result (see Figure 1b) is that after an initial transitory phase in which some oscillations can appear, ants tend to converge on a same path.

Figure 1. Single bridge experiment. (a) Experimental setup. (b) Results for a typical single trial, showing the percentage of passages on each of the two branches per unit of time as a function of time. Eventually, after an initial short transitory phase, the upper branch becomes the most used. After Deneubourg et al., 1990.

In the above experiment initially there is no pheromone on the two branches, which are therefore selected by the ants with the same probability. Nevertheless, random fluc- tuations, after an initial transitory phase, cause a few more ants to randomly select one branch, the upper one in the experiment shown in Figure 1a, over the other. Because ants deposit pheromone while walking, the greater number of ants on the upper branch determines a greater amount of pheromone on it, which in turn stimulates more ants to choose it, and so on. The probabilistic model that describes this phenomenon, which closely matches the experimental observations, is the following. We first make the assumption that the amount of pheromone on a branch is proportional to the number of ants that used the branch in the past. This assumption implies that pheromone evapo- ration is not taken into account. Given that an experiment typically lasts approximately one hour, it is plausible to assume that the amount of pheromone evaporated in this time period is negligible. In the model, the probability of choosing a branch at a certain time depends on the total amount of pheromone on the branch, which in turn is proportional to the number of ants that used the branch until that time. More precisely, let Um and Lm be the numbers of ants that have used the upper and lower branch after m ants have crossed the bridge, with Um + Lm = m. The probability PU (m) with which the (m + 1)-th ant chooses the upper branch is

while the probability PL (m) that it chooses the lower branch is PL (m) = 1 - PU (m). This functional form of the probability of choosing a branch over the other was obtained from experiments on trail-following; the parameters h and k allow to fit the model to exper- imental data. The ant choice dynamics follows from the above equation: Um+1 = Um + 1, if otherwise, where is a random variable uniformly distributed over the interval [0,1].

In this case, because of the same pheromone laying mechanism as in the previous situation, the shortest branch is most often selected: The first ants to arrive at the food source are those that took the two shortest branches, so that, when these ants start their return trip, more pheromone is present on the short branch than on the long branch, stimulating successive ants to choose the short branch. In this case, the importance of initial random fluctuations is much reduced, and the stochastic pheromone trail following behavior of the ants coupled to differential branch length is the main mechanism at work. In Figure 2 are shown the experimental apparatus and the typical result of an experiment with a double bridge with branches of different lengths.

Figure 2. Double bridge experiment. (a) Ants start exploring the double bridge. (b) Eventually most of the ants choose the shortest path. (c) Distribution of the percentage of ants that selected the shorter path. After Goss et al. 1989

It is clear that what is going on in the above described process is a kind of distributed optimization mechanism to which each single ant gives only a very small contribution. It is interesting that, although a single ant is in principle capable of building a solution (i.e., of finding a path between nest and food reservoir), it is only the ensemble of ants, that is the ant colony, which presents the "shortest path finding" behavior. In a sense, this behavior is an emergent property of the ant colony. It is also interesting to note that ants can perform this specific behavior using a simple form of indirect communication mediated by pheromone laying, known as stigmergy .

Applications of ACO algorithms to static combinatorial optimization problems

The application of the ACO meta-heuristic to a static combinatorial optimization problem is relatively straightforward, once defined a mapping of the problem which allows the incremental construction of a solution, a neighborhood structure, and a stochastic state transition rule to be locally used to direct the constructive procedure.

1	procedure  ACO Meta heuristic()
2	 while (termination  criterion  not satisfied)
3	  schedule  activities
4	    ants generation and activity();
5	    pheromone evaporation();
6	    daemon actions();    {optional}
7	  end schedule  activities
8	 end while
9	end procedure

10	procedure  ants generation and activity()
11	 while (available  resources)
12	   schedule the creation of a new ant();
13	   new active ant();
14	 end while
15	end procedure

16	procedure  new active ant()  {ant  lifecycle}
17	initialize ant();
18	M =update ant memory();
19	while (current state   <>  target state)
20	 A = read local ant-routing table();
21	 P  = compute transition probabilities(A; M; problem  constraints);
22	 next state = apply ant decision policy(P ; problem  constraints);
23	 move to next state(next state);
24	   if (online step-by-step  pheromone  update)
25	   deposit pheromone on the visited arc();
26	   update ant-routing table();
27	   end if
28	 M =update internal state();
29	end while
30	 if (online delayed pheromone  update)
31	   evaluate solution();
32	   deposit pheromone on all visited arcs();
33	   update ant-routing table();
34	 end if
35	 die();
36	end procedure

The ACO meta-heuristic in pseudo-code. Comments are enclosed in braces. All the procedures at the first level of indentation in the statement in parallel are executed concurrently. The procedure daemon actions() at line 6 is optional and refers to centralized actions executed by a daemon possessing global knowledge. The target state (line 19) refers to a complete solution built by the ant. The step-by-step and delayed pheromone updating procedures at lines 24-27 and 30-34 are often mutually exclusive. When both of them are absent the pheromone is deposited by the daemon.

Job-shop scheduling problem

Colorni, Dorigo and Maniezzo (1994) applied AS to the job-shop scheduling problem (JSP), which is formulated as follows. Given a set M of machines and a set J of jobs consisting of an ordered sequence of operations to be executed on these machines, the job-shop scheduling problem is the problem of assigning operations to machines and time intervals so that the maximum of the completion times of all operations is minimized and no two jobs are processed at the same time on the same machine. JSP is NP -hard. The basic algorithm they applied was exactly the same as AS, where the heuristic value was computed using the longest remaining processing time heuristic. Due to the different nature of the constraints with respect to the TSP they also defined a new way of building the ant's tabu list. AS-JSP was applied to problems of dimensions up to 15 machines and 15 jobs always finding solutions within 10% of the optimal value .


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