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Master's portal

Khyschenko Aleksandr

Khyschenko Aleksandr

Faculty: Computer Information Technologies and Automation
Specialization: Telecommunication systems and networks
The name of master's work: «Research of features of telecommunication systems of technological communication in conditions explosion and the fire-dangerous enterprises»
Scientific adviser: Ph.D, Voropaeva Viktoriya Yakovlevna 463-961-763

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"Let's get down writing!"

     I entered an university, took up a hostel, made with friends our room comfortable, brought a computer, was asleep, woke up, went to my lessons, wrote, answered, defended term papers and laboratorial works, earned additionally like a loader, went for a walk after lessons, drank beer, started work - in short I collected pass mark 4,64 and entered magistracy with budget. This is all very briefly and almost about my years like a student, so, let's rewind back 22 years and look how it begin. Well ...

Well-known 1986 ...

     ... in wintry, frosty day (February 25 1986), in 11 o'clock in the morning I came into the word. I had weight 9,7 pounds and was the heaviest in the maternity hospital (By the way I was born before an explosion in Chernobyl). My mother said: ' were hungry from your birth'. I can't make out, so don't deny. I did my first steps in 9 months, before this I crawled so fast, that my parents sometimes failed to keep an eye on me. Contrary to this I was belt up as a boa constrictor.

My favorite kinder garden "The Sun"

     In three years later I was sent by my parents to kinder garden, like other children. By the way about them:
     Mother - Khyschenko Ludmila Petrovna, commodity researcher, spent with me whole evenings with the purpose to give me all knowledge, that she had. I make a profound bow to you, Mother.
     Father - Khyschenko Sergey Stepanovich, electrician, taught me all male work (which then I made an honest effort and father was satisfied with me). Thank you very much, Father.
     Well, I continued. In these years I contrived break my head three times (there are lots of blood and pain), make all girls in my group fall in love with me (Casanova), and receive a lot of gifts from them (it was pleasantly). I make no secret of the fact that I was capricious to food so I stood in the corner more then once and felt angry with my teachers. Anyway, I tender thanks them. Well, from day to day these carefree years passed.

"... a school - my own house ..."

     Then, like other children, I went to the first class. School years flow so quickly. I usually got only good and excellent marks (most of all - straight A), and took part in many actions, so I was awarded repeatedly. Three years passed and I went to the big school where the orders were totally another (I must be on duty and do a lot of home task). At the same time I was keen on football and played for combined team. Our trainer was Boronenko Uriy Mefodievich. Thank you, trainer, for an experience and skills, which I gained. There were tears and elation, injuries and cups.
     Insensibly I fell within in the 11 form by the time when I should think about the future. I quickly choose a university and a speciality. List of faculties and specialities came to my school and I decided: a faculty - KITA, a speciality - TKS. Then there were three unsuccessful entrances. Finally the day of interlocution came. As a result I passed with the mark 3 and entered to budget. Now I need only pass school exams. I did it and got 5 excellent marks. That was the way how my school life flow by.

"Life as a student ..."

     September 1 2003 - a young student with two bags went on the bus to the Donetsk. Life as a student started. I got to the group TKS - 03 b. I always learned equally and got a scholarship. I thought the screams at night like 'Halyava comes to me!' and student's prayer helped me. At the same time I earned additionally like a loader:

Избавь меня, Боже:
От декана рожи,
От контрольной близкой,
От оценки низкой,
От зачета стремного,
От стакана неполного,
От похмелья наутро,
И от пары занудной,
От работы курсовой,
От лабы чумовой,
От задания индивидуального,
От друга в стельку пьяного,
От скуки и тоски,
От ответа у доски,
От нехватки друзей,
Да, пивка мне налей!
Дай еды до отвала,
Чтоб плохо мне стало.
Дай мне выспаться сладко
В своей теплой кроватке.
Отвлеки, Боже, препода,
Чтобы шпор не заметил он.
Укажи мне на экзамене легкий билет,
Чтоб его лишь учил(а) я, остальные нет.
Зачет мне, о Боже, схалявь.
Степуху немножко прибавь.
Сессию отодвинь.
Вот и все... аминь...)))))
     I unloaded vans, airplanes and transported furniture.
     A practical work was so boring, so my friends and I went to the sand-pit to Avdeevka. After my second practical work I was asked by Yan Markovich to the firm as a planner, since then I combine study and work. I plan network's ties for highly explosive manufacturing firms. It's hard but work's experience claim now. I've already had some plans, that realized. That's all. I of course can write still more, but I should translate this in English and Ukrainian. (((

"... the past, the present, the FUTURE ..."

     An immediate aim is writing and presentation of my master's work. All male half of my group wrote: 'To plant a tree, to bring up a son, to build a house'. Frankly speaking, I think that builders have to build houses, biologists have to plant trees, and children don't need hurry. First, it is necessary to climb the ladder, next, how it says: 'Everything will buy'.
     Finally, I want to say like Henry Ford:

«Whether you consider that can make something, or consider that cannot – in any case you remain are right!»

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