Muratova Irina Aleksandrovna

Faculty: Computer information technologies and automatics

Speciality: Control systems and automatics

Theme of master work:
"A control system the methodical furnace with walking beams Open Society Mariupol metallurgical plant by Ilyich "

The supervisor of studies: Konstantinov S.V.


Portal of masters

Muratova Irina Aleksandrovna
    Biography in russian language    Biography in ukrainian language   

The curriculum vitae


It is a little about itself

   Average ball for the period of my training at university has made 4.62 points. Freely I know Russian also Ukranian language. DonNTU the Builder of Algorithm, Step 5 has allocated me knowledge in the field of the Assembler. Also the native university has helped to master Matlab, Simulink, Representation of System, the Compass, the Workplace of Electronics, MathCAD. I take a great interest in medical massage, I like to make hands and to help people.

The childhood

  I, Muratova Irina Aleksandrovna, was born on December, 4th, 1985 in a Zeya Amur areas (Russia). My mum, Muratova Tatyana Anatolevna, is a musician and my father, Muratov Alexander Anatolevich is an engineer. My parent have transferred me by right of succession the interests: since my childhood I liked singing, well and, certainly, all to assort (the truth not for the present it was impossible to collect back). In children's garden I have gone since 3rd years. I was the lively child who fighted and offended others. Most likely I simply had no place to direct the energy. When I has my 4 years were executed, my mum and me have moved in a Mariupol (there there live its parents). In Mariupol I went in that garden where my mum worked, and still continued to play about.

School days

  Per 1993 I have gone to the first class. Every day I brought home remarks in a diary: " Talks at lessons! ". And mum has found the decision of problems with discipline - it has given me on art gymnastics! Now I was engaged 3 days in a week for 3 hours, and began to talk less at lessons. However in due course and it began to not suffice, in the second class me have given to musical school and on a circle of electronic automatics. Thus, by the end of the second class I could solder, sing, well and, certainly, to sit down on a twine:)! In 6-th class, I have understood, that music and gymnastics to me not on a shower. In 7-th class I have acted in internally-correspondence school "Erudite" in a Donetsk on section of "Physicist". Yes, I liked the physics: I constantly solved problems, read encyclopedias of physicist and spent various experiences! In 9-th class I have acted in physical and mathematical lyceum of Mariupol. Continuing to be engaged at school " Erudite ", in 9-th class I have borrowed 3 place on regional Olympiad on the physicist. This victory was unexpected and at the same time meant for me because I long prepared it. All 10-th I was chairman of a scientific organization of lyceum, and itself took part in the Small academy of sciences . We (lyceum students) actively were engaged in scientific activity which was supported with practice in laboratories of technical institute in Mariupol, and also research trips on the nature. 11-th class has passed all in preparation for receipt in university. There is no certain reason on which I have acted on faculty of KITA, whether the name to me it was pleasant, whether someone has advised. And here, after the second rating I became student DonNTU!


  The first rate was very simple since preparation in lyceum has given good knowledge! Further study went as stably (a mean score for training 4.6). I handed over first three years sessions ahead of schedule because worked leader in children's camp in the summer. On 4-th rate in parallel with university I have ended rates of medical massage. On the same rate I participated in Olympiad on the Ukrainian language and to the surprise have borrowed 1 place on DonNTU. Twice in practice I was at combine it. Ilyich in a Mariupol in a casting-rolling shop. Practice became the reason of a choice of my master's theme works. After delivery of graduation examination on 5, my mean score has allowed me to act on the master, and I have gone. That from this will be, already soon it will be possible to see.

Plans for the future

  The most important to hand over the diploma, then to find interesting work which would bring pleasure! Well and, certainly, to construct the house and to plant a tree:)!

  • Abstract
  • Library
  • References
  • Report of search
  • Therapeutic massage

  • © DonNTU 2008 Muratova Irina Aleksandrovna