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Momot Sergey Aleksandrovich

Faculty: Mechanical

Speciality: Quality, standartization and sertification

Theme master`s works: Increase of efficiency of use of system 5S at the domestic enterprises

The head: Poklonskij F.E.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search

The abstract.

The highest achievement of modern industrial culture, from positions of effective and harmonious management of all its elements, the concept of Economical manufacture (TPS – Toyota Production System, Lean Production, 20 keys, etc.) is. The beginning of this concept has put more 60 years ago to very few people then known company "Toyota" - nowadays recognised leader of world motor industry.

The concept of Industrial system "Toyota" was formed mainly at the expense of the intellectual capital of the company, creation of new system of management and the manufacture organisation. Its methods became universal toolkit for the decision of problems of increase of efficiency of business in any fields of activity, they have found a recognition all over the world. (To this theme we still will return in the end of article).

In the concept of Economical manufacture basis is the Japanese system «5S» - putting in order system on a workplace. Working as advisers for management and organizational development with the enterprises, we know, that many heads dream of that in divisions or at all enterprise there was an ideal order. And it means: âûñîêîäèñöèïëèíèðîâàííûå employees qualitatively carry out all duties, cleanliness and an order everywhere reign, any thing (be it the document, the tool or a material) can be found quickly, the equipment does not throw unexpected surprises in the form of emergency îñòàíîâîâ, and «its majesty» the Client is always satisfied both received production, and the organisation of work of the company.

Whether there are ways of achievement of this dream. With confidence we can tell, what yes. The way to its achievement begins with simple and small – system introductions «5S». To system of this already more than 50 years, also were born it in the destroyed and poor natural resources of post-war Japan. As its author consider Êàîðó Èñèêàâó – one of founders of system of the Japanese quality management, whose name is immortalised in the well-known tool of the statistical analysis - diagramme Èñèêàâû (or «the Fish bone»).

During training at the American aviation factory the young engineer has thought of the reasons of aviation accidents and has come to a simple conclusion, that «the disorder in air is defined by the disorder on the earth». 5 principles of prompting deduced by it and order maintenance have laid down in a system basis «5S». Today without exaggeration it is possible to tell, that «5S» triumphally walk worldwide.

We expect possible doubts – and whether it will be possible at us, in Russia, to realise the Japanese system (yes where to us to take for this purpose so much Japanese)?

More than 15-year-old practice of successful introduction of system on tens domestic enterprises has convincingly proved, that it is real and without a mass landing of the Japanese citizens. At the enterprises of the most different industries we will result the developed examples of such introduction in the second part of article.

The given system allows practically without capital expenses not only to put things in order on manufacture – to raise productivity, to reduce losses, to reduce marriage and traumatism level, but also to create necessary starting conditions for realisation of difficult and expensive industrial and organizational innovations, to provide their high efficiency - first of all at the expense of radical change of industrial behaviour of workers, their relation to the business.

What is the system «5S»? First of all, it is determination to organise correctly a workplace, to hold it in cleanliness, to clean it, to keep the standardised conditions and to support discipline which is necessary to work well. As it is easy to remember these terms, they can be translated as "organisation", "accuracy", "cleaning", "standardization" and "discipline".

Importance of the given system for creation of effective and safe manufacture is so great, that the Japanese researchers consider: if managers of the company cannot realise «5S», - means, they cannot effectively operate.

Last decades and the euro-American management all in áîëüøåé aspires to adopt and introduce degrees on the soil the Japanese management methods, and system «5S» is their essential part.

The technique transformed on domestic soil which have incorporated elements of the Japanese system «5S», experience of introduction of NOTES and real practice of the Russian business of last decade 20th centuries, has received system "Streamlining" name that includes also prompting of an elementary order, and regular cleaning of a working zone, and a regulation of these processes, and discipline of the personnel realising system. A considerable role in formation of this name that fact has played also, that the Japanese terms of system «5S» very difficult got accustomed at the domestic enterprises, and almost on each of them it received the specific name (“Five rules”, “Five principles”, sometimes even it ironically named “Five fingers”, “Five Ñþ” etc.).

In our opinion, the term "Streamlining" allows to reflect principles of system in one word and does not close possibility of its creative development on each of the enterprises. In different versions of the Japanese techniques on putting in order on workplaces it is possible to meet both «6S», and «7S», i.e. the system joins new principles (for example, constant training of workers, preventive maintenance of the equipment and a number of others).

Principles on which system "Streamlining" (tab. 1) is based, in the formulations are simple enough and obvious. Under the maintenance they are close to principles of the Japanese system «5S». The greatest complexity at introduction roots that from understanding of principles it is necessary to pass to their practical realisation, to constant performance of requirements, rules and the arrangements reached in collective. System "Streamlining" is not general cleaning or ñóááîòíèê, it cannot be introduced for some days by order of the top management. She demands patient and scrupulous work not only managers at all levels, but also each of workers of firm as a whole.

Table 1

Main principles of system "Streamlining"

The name
The maintenance

1. Removal of the unnecessary
All subjects of a working environment are divided into three categories: necessary, unnecessary and not necessary it is urgent.

The unnecessary leave by certain rules.

The necessary remain on a workplace.

Not necessary urgently settle down on certain removal from a workplace or are stored on-line.

Zones of responsibility of each worker are distributed and fixed.

2. Rational placing of subjects
In relation to the necessary subjects and the subjects, not necessary it is urgent, decisions which provide are developed and realised:

Speed, ease and safety of access to them;

Visualisation of a way of storage and the control of presence, absence or site of the necessary subject;

Freedom of moving and aesthetics of the industrial environment

3. Cleaning, check, elimination of malfunctions
General cleaning of premises and equipment cleaning (if necessary).

Careful cleaning and equipment cleaning, fixing of malfunctions.

Revealing remote for cleaning and check of places, and also sources of problems and pollution.

Elimination of malfunctions and development of measures on their prevention.

Development and realisation of measures on cleaning of remote places, liquidations (localisation) of sources of problems and pollution.

Development of rules of carrying out of cleaning, cleaning of the equipment, check, greasing and inhaling of fixing details.

4. Standardization of rules
Fixing in written form rules of storage, cleaning, check, greasing, a fixture inhaling.

The maximum visualisation of representation of rules (drawings, schemes, pictogrammes, indexes, colour coding).

Visualisation of the control of a normal condition and deviations from norm (in equipment work, a stock rate, etc.).

Standardization and unification of all designations (the size, colour, the image of symbols, etc.).

Rationalisation of data carriers (a material, a way of drawing of inscriptions, sheetings), places of their placing, fastening and replacement possibilities.

5. Discipline and responsibility
Fastening of spheres of responsibility of each worker (objects of attention and the basic duties on their maintenance in a normal condition).

Development at the personnel of correct habits, fastening of skills of observance of rules.

Application of an effective quality monitoring.

Irreversibility of development of principles and achievement of high and steady effects from system introduction are provided with the gradual step-by-step or stage-by-stage approach to its realisation. Results of each stage are fixed in the simple visually presented rules, daily practical repetition of the acquired norms and arrangements by each worker, each collective.

The saved up practice allows to offer some variants of technology of introduction of system. Their choice is defined as strategic reference points of proprietors and the higher managers of the company, and complexity and a condition of the used equipment, and in even áîëüøåé degrees - requirements of clients and partners.

Use of one of 4 approaches to system introduction «Streamlining/5S» (tab. 2) is essentially possible.

Table 2

Approaches to system introduction «Streamlining / 5S»

Personnel inclusiveness in introduction process
5-etapnaja model
12-step-by-step model

1. With participation of all personnel
1st variant
2nd variant

2. On the basis of activity of a command of managers
3rd variant
4th variant (is improbable)

It is necessary to notice, that the 12-step-by-step technology is focused mainly on introduction with participation of all personnel, and ïÿòèýòàïíàÿ can be used both all collective, and a management command of introduction.

Criteria for a choice 5 or 12 step-by-step technologies are resulted in tab. 3.

Table 3

The basic distinctions 5-etapnoj and 12-step-by-step models of introduction

5 stages
12 steps

1. The main things

The introduction purposes
Reception of fast visible results in improvement of a condition of the material environment

(«All shines and shines»)
1. Creation of strong basis for expansion of Economical manufacture (TPS, Lean-Manufacturing, 20 keys and other systems)

2. "Cultivation" of the personnel, capable to carry out constant perfection of the industrial environment and maintenance of the reached level

2. Preferable

1. Divisions with the simple technics which constant serviceability is noncritical for efficiency

2. New objects

(In a good condition and «without personnel bad habits»)
1. Industrial divisions with the difficult equipment, îñòàíîâû which are critical for efficiency (system TRM introduction – the General productive service of the equipment further is necessary)

2. The old, "started" objects with the personnel, «grown into old walls»

3. Features of introduction
Mainly administrative decisions entered into corporate standards of activity
Realisation of steps through activity of small groups and Time organizational structure, self-management development on workplaces

The decision on a personnel inclusiveness in introduction process is defined by the Policy of management substantially chosen by company management the personnel. If the enterprise builds the relations on high removability (fluidity) of the hired personnel, in training, development and which payment is minimum necessary means in such company the command principle of introduction when the order is directed strictly under instructions of managers is expedient are put only.

The reached condition of the industrial environment and the organisation of workplaces is fixed in the standards, thus visually presented standards are on the majority of workplaces, and from the personnel their strict observance is required only. The essential administrative resource is constantly spent for maintenance of such order, not so much stimulus, how many the sanction are applied. Without it the system introduced thus «5S» quickly and almost completely dies off.

And on the contrary, if the company is focused on stabilisation of the personnel, puts means in its training and development – introduction of system with participation of all personnel can become one of powerful levers of formation of corporate culture, education of collective and creation of a platform for the steady competitiveness, the subsequent transition to construction of Economical manufacture.

The introduction period makes usually from 1-1,5 years for the small compactly located companies till 2-3 years when it is a question of large versatile corporations with wide geography of the divisions.

Certainly, each manager the question on first of all interests what material results are received by the company from system introduction. First of all, it is necessary to note three features of effects from system introduction «Streamlining / 5S»:

1. Effects are shown in three basic areas: quality, productivity and safety of work.

2. The size of effects essentially depends on starting level of the company: the it was more low, the changes are more striking. But thus, as a rule, the size of effect is defined not in gain times, and in percentage, usually from 10-20 to 30-50 %.

3. Each of effects is shown gradually in process of passage of stages as it is shown in tab. 4.

Table 4

The effects received at stages of introduction of system «Streamlining / 5S»

Kinds of effects


0. Preparation
Actualisation of problems and revealing of losses

1. Removal of the unnecessary
Reduction of unnecessary stocks

Reduction of the occupied areas
Reduction of a traumatism at the expense of clearing of the industrial environment of the unnecessary
Improvement of safety of raw materials, materials, finished goods

2. Rational placing
Effective utilisation of workplaces, improvement of the organisation of work

Reduction of losses of time for searches, circulations, etc.
The same at the expense of a safe way of storage of subjects – creation of a safe situation
Reduction of marriage because of casual use of inappropriate components

3. Cleaning, check, elimination of malfunctions
Reduction of idle times because of malfunction of the equipment
Improvement of sanitary-and-hygienic working conditions.

Prevention of leaks of steam, gas, air, water and dangerous substances.

Reduction of failures because of malfunction of the equipment.

Elimination of the reasons of failures, fires, accidents
Reduction of marriage and the losses connected with pollution.

Marriage reduction

Because of malfunction of the equipment and instrumentations

4. Standardization of rules
Reduction of losses at the expense of control and management visualisation
Visualisation of the control of safety
Standardization of a quality monitoring

5. Discipline and responsibility
Growth of development at the expense of motivation of the personnel on productive work
Observance of rules of a labour safety.

Safe industrial behaviour
Reduction of marriage because of a carelessness or a personnel indiscipline

Attendant effects at system introduction can be also: more simple and easy way at certification of systems of a quality management, unconditional realisation of requirements of systems of food safety, increase of level of trust of clients, reduction of fluidity of the personnel, growth of image of the enterprise etc.

Very many in received results depends on what purposes in development of the business are put by proprietors and the managers, what means they are reached. Therefore in each company the introduced system, despite the general methodology, receives the unique shape, incorporates and simultaneously transforms culture of each organisation.

2. Introduction examples

2.1. Corporation "Agro-union" (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine)

Corporation "Agro-union" is the Ukrainian enterprise which head office is in Dnepropetrovsk, but it works in territory of Ukraine, Russia and Kazakhstan.

The main feature of corporation is the innovative orientation of its business: she is engaged in search, research, introduction and distribution of high technologies in agriculture and agricultural machinery, and also agricultural machinery deliveries (including – own manufacture), a truck transport, maintenance of their service.

At system "Streamlining" introduction in the head of a corner in corporation "Agro-union" there were objects in view of system inculcation to all personnel of high cultural norms, changes of the relation to an order, maintenance of beauty and harmony of relations with the nature and an external world, achievement and excess of the best world samples of industrial and administrative culture. Complexity of this global problem consisted also that the corporation has tens branches across all Ukraine, and also in Russia and Kazakhstan. But nevertheless along with tens other projects, it since September, 2004 consistently realises a problem of introduction of system "Streamlining".

«If to speak about economic benefits of introduction of system it is possible to result such figures: during principle introduction« Removal unnecessary »only the 2004-beginning of 2005 on Corporation warehouses has been delivered in the end an order of 362 units of furniture which after ordering of the documentation and papers has been recognised by unnecessary, superfluous. While at other enterprises there was a sharp necessity for the given subjects. A conclusion idle time: if not, for example, one of them has selected results of system" Streamlining "205 units of furniture would need to be bought and so it have simply redistributed between the enterprises for own needs of 128 units. It is as a result had concrete enough and quite official figure – 37 thousand ãðèâåí (about 200 thousand rbl.) Which the corporation has saved only at the expense of ordering and furniture redistribution. Such examples in divisions of corporation set, and behind each of them there are real investments which it is possible to direct there where they will really benefit.

At the expense of optimisation of processes and activity streamlining as a whole on corporation "Agro-union" productivity has raised on 38 % (as of September, 2005).

Essential means have been received for the account of realisation of scrap metal and commodity-material assets, handed over as "unnecessary".

Magazine «quality management Methods», 2006, ¹2

System "Streamlining" introduction in all divisions of corporation successfully proceeds, and expansion of much more difficult system Kajdzen which is begun in 2006 in two modelling divisions became its following step on a way to Economical manufacture: branches of dairy animal industries.

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