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Momot Sergey Aleksandrovich

Faculty: Mechanical

Speciality: Quality, standartization and sertification

Theme master`s works: Increase of efficiency of use of system 5S at the domestic enterprises

The head: Poklonskij F.E.

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search

The autobiography

I, Momot Sergey Aleksandrovich, was born on January, 9th, 1974 in the city of Donetsk. In 1981 has arrived in school ¹3 of Donetsk. During training at school, with 1989ã. On 1990ã. "Companion" on a site of assemblage of computer technics worked as the assembler of radio-electronic equipment in DTOU. In 1991ã. Has left school with a silver medal and has arrived in Donetsk polytechnical institute on computer facilities faculty. In parallel training, in 1992 has gone to work in Lenin branch of KB "Ikar-bank" the economist of credit department.

In 1993ã., having ended 2 courses of faculty of computer facilities, has passed to the Gollandsko-Ukrainian language faculty of the international management. In 1993 the Lenin branch of KB "Ikar-bank" has been transformed to the Ukrainian southeast commercial bank of economic assistance (KB "JUVES-BANK").

In 1994ã., in connection with disbandment of faculty of the international management, has interrupted training. In 1996ã. Has been translated from a post of the economist of credit department on a post of the chief of department of securities. In 1997ã. Has ended courses of registrars of securities in Kiev.

In 1997ã. Has moved from of Donetsk on a constant residence in with. Bogprpdichnoje. In this connection has left from ÀÊB "JUVES-BANK".

In 2001ã. Has gone to work in National natural park "Holy Mountins" (Slavjanogorsk) the engineer-programmer and has renewed training in DonGTU (faculty "Business economics"; a speciality - "Marketing", correspondence branch).

In 2001ã. Has passed in Open Company Travel company "Grand Round" to a post of the deputy director. The enterprise was engaged in trading and recreational activity in Svjatogorsk.

In 2004ã. Has left Open Company TF "Grand Tour" and it was registered by the private businessman. Was engaged in the organisation of wholesale trade in souvenir production in Svjatogorsk, working out and manufacture of church attributes. Has headed a production association of businessmen «the Icon workshop«Svjatogorje».

In 2007ã. Has received bachelor's degree DonNTU on a speciality «enterprise Economy: Marketing».

In 2007ã. Has arrived in magistracy DonNTU on a speciality «Quality, standardization, certification».

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