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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Dmitriy Severin


Dmitriy Severin

Faculty: electrotechnical

Department: electricity industry and cities

Speciality: electrotechnical systems of power supply


Theme of master's work:

Estimation and prediction of electric spark safety circuits with capacitive elements and the nonlinear inductance

 Scientific adviser: Ph.D. Berchadskyi Iliya

Materials on the theme of master's work:



  • Date of birth: 30 January 1987
  • Education: 1994-2002 biennium. school number 6 of Dzerzhinsk, 2002-2004. Donetsk Oblast Lyceum "Erudit", with the 2004 study in the Donetsk National Technical University, specialty Electrotechnical systems of power supply, bachelor, receiving a Master's degree
  • Average score: 4.9
  • Professional skills: Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages, the French possession of enough to translate technical texts, experience with computers: AutoCad, MathCad, MS Visio, MS Office, Matlab, Simulink
  • Personal skills: communication, commitment, high work, accuracy, learning ability, leadership and organizational skills

Short biography:


Born 30 January 1987 in a working family. Visited the nursery and kindergarten "Malutka. As a child loved to draw, especially robots and all sorts of futuristic and alien landscapes. The most vivid memories relate to dentists ...


In the school went up in 1994 with the first class has established itself as a capable student. Since the sixth grade began îëèìïèàäíîé activities by participating in city competitions in mathematics, which won first place. Since then, the Olympics are for me in this hobby. Every year, I had to defend the honor of their school on several subjects. The climax was the ninth grade, when I was lucky to get prizes for the five subjects (mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, geography), for three to reach the regional Olympiad (mathematics, physics, biology) and take third place at regional competitions in mathematics. Then in 2002, entered the regional high school "egghead" in the physico-mathematical department. Two years teaching at the Lycee had a decisive influence on the development of my professional qualifications. For this many thanks to all the teaching staff. Although great achievements in îëèìïèàäíîé activity in this period I was not, however, this is where I preobrel solving skills of complex theoretical and practical problems, postig basis algorithmization and programming and, last but not least, has found many friends and associates.


In DonNTU I decided to come back in 10 th grade. And as soon as I chose not the "Electrical", because I think this is one of the most exciting areas of applied engineering. On the first day of learning of a written statement to the French Technical School. The greatest benefit has to study the cycle of theoretical disciplines, such as higher mathematics, theoretical foundations of electrical engineering and, of course, applied disciplines: high-voltage and low-voltage electricity, protective relaying, elektrotehnologicheskie proiyshlennye installation. I would particularly like to mention the teachers such as Volodimir Esaulenko, Valentin Gorin, Eduard Kuremmiy, Valentin Muha, Illya Bershadsky.

Future plans

In future we intend to find work in their main specialty, to build a successful career, which was a worthy conclusion to the post of Minister of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine. I believe Ukraine should become an energy superpower, and I would like to support this fully.
