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Dubina Aleksander

Dubina Aleksander

Faculty: Ecology and chemical technology

Speciality: Chemical technology of high molecular connections

Theme of master's work:

Research of possibility of creation of explosives without powerful sensitizer

Scientific adviser: Mangos Juriy

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


My middle mark during the period of study is 4,92. I have got bachelor’s degree in Chemical technology of high molecular connections. I speak Russian and Ukrainian fluently, and have a good knowledge of English. I have the following additional skills: Turbo Pascal 7.0, MathCad, LabView 6.0, Compass 3D, Microsoft Office Word and Excel.

Having got Bachelor’s Degree (with honors) I decided to get master’s degree. To my mind such degree helps me to prove my creative work and unordinary personality. Having consulted to my supervisor, the teacher of department «Chemical technology of fuel» Mangos J., I decided to write master's degree work on the theme «Possibility of creation of industrial explosive without use of powerful sensitizer».

Short biography:

I was born in April 4, 1987 in Shakhtersk, Donetsk region, Ukraine.In 1994 I began to «master sciences» at the secondary school ¹18 in Shakhtersk. I took an active part in educational and public life of school. I was a permanent participant of city competition in mathematics, physics and chemistry, took prizes. I was a member of Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in the section of mathematics. I participated in regional competitions in rule of the road, attended different sport sections and groups. I finished school with gold medal.

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