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Boreckaya Tatyana

Boreckaya Tatyana

Faculty of economics

Speciality: Management of innovative activity

Theme of master's work:

The improvement of the mechanism of the innovative activity management in the industrial enterprise

Scientific adviser: c. e. s., associate professor Meshkov Andrey Vitalievich

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Summary of master's work

The topicality

Today the appearance, familiarization and expansion of means of production with higher productivity than traditional industrial ones have made the new historical change. The need of regular renewal of the product assortment and the technology of its production forces to use the scientific and project elaborations into the system of activity of the establishment, directing them to the acceleration of the innovative processes. In this way the uniting of the science, techniques and production takes place which leads to the innovations and accelerates them.

The dynamic conditions of administration prearrange the necessity of the regular revision of the strategical aims by the economics practitioners, making the adequate decisions which could allow to react quickly to the outside changes for the providing of the competitive advantages. The objective aim of the development of the most national enterprises in the conditions of the globalization is the increase of the competitiveness of own production in comparison with the world producers.

The necessity of the transition to the innovative type of increase during the shortest terms possible is explained by the fact that the temporal extensive factors of increase – the profitable conjucture in the world markets of the raw materials and the possibility of usage of the industrial forces which were not used before – have practically been exhausted. As a result the nearest prospect is the following: the main direction of the investment activity must be the total technical and technological renewal of the production.

However, having the steady high indexes of increase of the national gross product of Ukraine during the last years the quantity of the innovative-active enterprises, the introduction of the new technological processes and types of the new goods continued to go down with the increase of the expenses for the innovative activity at the same time, which shows its inefficiency. At last the essential changes in the economical policy of the country led to the certain crisis of the national industry confirming the thesis about absence of the steady inner conditions for the intensive development of the country in general and the certain enterprises, and also about inefficient methods of innovative development in the microlevel.

The research mentioned above which is directed to the improvement of the existent mechanisms of administrating of the innovative activity of the industrial enterprises is very topical and will help to increase the competitive production of the national industry, increase of the efficiency of the functioning of industrial interprises and improvement of the economical situation in the country in genaral.

The problems of the significance of the innovative activity for the stimulation of the development of the national economics were analysed by many national and foreign scientists of economics and economics practitioners among whom are Y. Zhalil, V. Amitan, L. Myasnikova, T. Prikhodko, V. Zakharchenko, M. Sharko, S. Sokolenko, V. Denesyuk, L. Fedulova, L. Martysheva and others. The investment providing of the innovative processes were analysed in the works of V. Khobta, T. Shchetilova, A. Goiko, V. Glazunov, G. Krasovsky, G. Kozachenko, S. Smolyak, P. Orlov. But the results of the innovative development of the Ukranian industry made in the recent years show the necessity of the continuation of the scientific search of the methods for solving of the existent problems, by the way the specificity of each certain enterprise always demands the individualization of the general methods for the certain conditions of each unique economic institution.

Thus, the aim of this work is the generalization of the theoretical, analysis of the practical and creation of the scientific methodological regulations and offers concerning the improvement of the mechanism of the administrating of the innovative activity in the industrial enterprise.

In accordance with the mentioned aim the work offers to solve the followin problems:

  1. To show the theoretical bases of the innovative activity of the industrial enterprise.

  2. To generalize the information about the existent mechanisms of administrating of the innovative activity of the industrial enterprises.

  3. To systematize the methods of the evaluation of the efficiency of administrating of the innovative activity of the enterprises.

  4. To make the analyses of the state of the innovative activity of the enterprise which is researched.

  5. To evaluate the efficiency of the innovative activity of the enterprise which is researched.

  6. To display the existent methods and mechanisms of the administrating of the innovative activity of the enterprise which is researched.

  7. To display the means of stimulation of the innovative activity of the enterprise which is researched.

  8. To work out the methods of the increase of the efficiency of the innovative activity of the enterprise which is researched.

  9. To prove the organizational economic means concerning the improvement of the innovative system of the enterprise which is researched.

The object of the research is the processes of administrating of the innovatiove activity in the industrial enterprise in the modern conditions.

The subject of the research is the theoretical regulations, basic principles and methods of improvement of the mechanism of administrating of the innovative activity.

The methods of the researchare based on the principles of dialectics as the general way of cognition. The work uses such methods of the scientific cognition as logical generalization, scientific abstraction and system analysis; dialectical method; the methods of statistic and comparative analysis; structural functional approach; the methods of economic mathematical modeling.

The necessity of transition to the innovative type of increase during the shortest terms is explained by the fact that the temporary, extensive factors of increase is the beneficial conjuncture in the world markets of raw materials and the possibility of usage of the industrial forces which were not used before – have practically been exhausted. As a result the nearest prospect is the following: the main direction of the investment activity must be the total technical and technological renewal of the production.

The technical rearmament will demand the huge investments, the size of which for the real sector of economics is evaluated by the experts in the very large measures – from 40 to 60 milliards hrivnyas [1, p. 55]. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the development of industry of Donetsk region in the modern phase shows the different results. In particular, the statistics displays the essential increase of the amount of the distributed industrial production in the actual prices (pic. 1)

Picture 1 – The distribution of the industrial production by the enterprises of the Donetsk region in actual prices (mln. hr.) [2, p. 88]

From the other side the dynamics concerning the innovative activity in the region is unsatisfactory. The quantity of the innovative active enterprices, implanted new technological processes and mastering the new types of the production is steadily shortened. (pic. 2).

Picture 2 – The innovative activity in the Donetsk region during 2003-2007 years [2, p. 246]

Though having the reduction of innovative active enterprises and the new types of production and technological processes, the significant increase of the price for the innovative activity takes place (table 1):

Table 1 – The sources and amounts of innovative activity investment into the Donetsk region industry (thous. hr.) [3, p.112; 4, p. 108]

The data of the statistics allow to make a conclusion about almost quintuple lowering of the efficiency of the innovative activity during 5 years. So the development of the regional industry during the limited period was mostly extensive. The proof to this is also the results of the international comparison: thus, today even in the countries, which have reconstructed their social and economical structure recently, the productivity of the high technology sector is 1,5-2,5 mes higher than in Ukraine [5, p. 39].

The innovative programs are the long-term and expensive means of the economic activity. The decisions concerning their practical realization are strategical in their contents and need all-round and detailed theoretical grounding. The results of the application of the innovative programs must provide the significant increase of the level of the financial efficiency of the enterprise functioning.

Not shortening the importance of the qualitative analysis during the grounding of expediency of realization of innovative investment projects, it’s possible to say that the role of the financial attraction in the modern phase bacomes almost the most important. The main precondition of it is investing into the development by own funds of the enterprises or the investors and also the limitedness of the state resources for the investment of the innovative activity. In the mid-term prospect it’s difficult to predict the essential increase of the investment resources from the side of the state budget or out-of-budget funds, so it is the financial grounding of investment expediency that will have the priority importance.


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