
The determination of the priorities of the innovative development of the industry of Ukraine

Vysotska I.B.

Sourse: The problems of science. – 2004. - ¹ 3. – p. 23-27.

The innovations became the factor of the production on the same level with the work, capital and entrepreneurship in the modern economics. Moreover it’s impossible to provide the raise of the level of factors return and efficiency of the development of the production without innovations. The innovations in the economics is a basis for the raise of the competitiveness of the enterprises, improvement of the quality of the products under condition of their usage in the situation of competition which grows.

The research of the state and prospects of the innovative development of the Ukrainian industry let make the following conclusions:

Beginning from the middle of the XX century the science and technology take a special place as factors which provide economical grows. Scientific and technical inventions and the innovative activity became the phenomenon which is constantly present in the economical development. The modern process of the enlarged recreation must be interpreted as recreation of the innovative and intensive type. The raise of the efficiency, competitiveness of the production is provided with fundamental combination of the investment and innovations, the market and state regulating.

The role of the innovations in the modern economics grows intensively, they bacome objective element of economical functioning. The innovations in the economics are the basis for the raise of the competitiveness of the enterprises, growth of the product quality. The innovations are purposeful process of creation, development, application and usage of the ideas with the aim of getting the economical or social profit.

The determinant peculiarity of the transmission of the scientific researches results for their mastering in the production is creation and development of system of commercial forms of collaboration of science and technics. The task of the state is to provide the beneficial law and institutional conditions for the development of the efficiency of the investment and innovative activity.

The studying of the state of the innovative activity of the industrial enterprises of Ukraine shows the low level of their innovative activity. The main cause of it is a lack of funds for the investment of innovations (own, borrowed, state). The intensification of the enterprise innovative activity is necessary, it demands the mobilization of the inner and out sources of the investment.

The transition to the market relations has changed the structure of the investment funds and innovations sources. Nowadays the main source is the own funds of the enterprises. The structure of the sources of investments into the technological re-equipment of the Ukrainian industry came close to the structure of the world investment market, where 65-70% are the own funds of the enterprises, 80% of this is given for amortization and 20% for pure profit. There is certain positive experience of the new forms of innovative activity in Ukraine – technopolises, technoparks. This structures provide uninterrupted reproduction of the innovations, their speeded up approbation, combination of the fundamental scientific researches and applied scientific and technical elaborations, their application into production.

The analysis of the experience of the developed countries in the innovative sphere let make the conclusion that its development is stimulated mostly with the market competition. At the same time the methods of state regulating in this sphere are used, mostly indirect, in particular the tax privileges for the private sector, which directs its funds to innovations. So the dissertation offers the recommendations concerning the improvement of the Ukrainian state innovative policy, its coordination with investment, amortization, tax, credit and custom policy. It is offered to refuse the soviet practice of the state help to unefficient, unprofitable enterprises and those ones which damage environment.

Taking in account the limited opportunities of the state financial support of the innovative process it’s necessary to work out the flexible system of the priorities of the innovative sphere which will be provided with the state investment resources so that the investments into the priority directions could provide their usage as a locomotive of the innovative development of the country, which is able to activize and help the other branches of the innovative sphere. The priorities must be classified according to the following indications: stages of the innovative process; the directions of the scientific research; the subjective staff of the participants of the innovative process; branches of the innovative development; regions. The dissertation also recommends to follow the offered differential approach concerning the sources and forms of financing of the innovative process depending on its stages.

The state, with a help of direct and indirect methods, must cause the innovative resonance in the scale of the whole economics. So the innovative process must cause the chain reaction, gradually going from branch to branch, following at the same time the changes in the solvent demand and stimulating it selectively. To achieve such aims the efficient tax mechanism of the funds re-distribution must be used.

Having the aim to enlarge the investment potential in the innovative sphere it’s necessary to regulate, with a help of law, the investment functions in the innovative sphere and the order of their realization by several institutional investment structures (insurance, pension, lending funds) with the aim of their application to the investing into the innovative activity. They must be given some privileges which are more attractive for the directing the funds into the innovative sphere in comparison with other spheres and also to assist the creation of the ctructures of the risky capital on their basis.

The enterprises which are oriented to innovations must be given the significant privileges using the amortization fund for the innovative needs; to enlarge the list of expenses which are included to cost price of the products at the expense of ascribing to them the expenses connected with realization of the innovative activity, namely the expenses connected with getting the right to commercial usage of the patent, licence, know-how and other objects of the intellectual property. The certain most effective categories of subjects of the innovative process must be given the right to deduct the sums from the taxed income which are equal the factual expenses into the innovative sphere (as it is made in Canada, Germany).

The important direction of the investment policy can also become usage of the financial funds of the population for the investment of the innovative sphere. The system of the stimuli in this direction must foresee the significant tax privileges for the individual investors such as deducting from the income tax of the physical persons the sum of the payments to different organizations which finance the investment activity. The effective mechanism of the renewal of the population trust to the shares and other precious papers of the financial-credit structures is the release of part of the income tax when the directing of the deducted funds from the taxed base to the investing and other funds would provide the donor citizens getting of the shares (or other precious papers) in the sum of the made deductions.