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Bragina Ann

Bragina Ann

Faculty: Management and Innovation department

Speciality: Staff Management and Economy of Labour

Theme of master's work:

Organization of the professional training of enterprise's personnel

Scientific adviser: Mormul Natalia

Materials on the theme of master's work: ABSTRACT

Main information about myself

I, Ann Bragina, was born on 16th of August 1987 in Strezhevoy town, Tomsk region, Russia.
The average mark in period of training at the University – 5,00.
I have bachelor diploma with excellent mark on the speciality “Staff Management and Economy of Labour”.
I have fluent Russia, Ukrainian and English speech this is enough for reading and translation. I have an experience to work with documents and with computer.
Private features: responsible, purposeful, punctual, industrious.
A citizen of Ukraine, married.

Short biography:


In summer morning on the 16th of August 1987 at 9.30 I was born in the family of Bragins – Bragina Anyuta. I am a single and favourite child. When I was expected my mother and father agreed, that if it will be a boy, mother will give name, if a girl my father does. Thus my father named me Ann.

I began speaking early and walked when I was 1. At the age of 3 my mother took me to the kinder garden. I was independent honoured and accurate child in the kinder garden. At an early age such qualities as respect to the old people, the doting on and care about animals. It is then when I decided to be a vet doctor (but my child dream hasn’t realized). I had very good tutors in the kinder garden. I took part an active part in all the undertakings. I was keen in dancing, I like to be pictured in various dresses.


In 1994 I went to the secondary compulsory school ¹5 in Strezhevoy town. I became the first year pupil. My school life turned out very interesting and attractive. I was very adept child and learned everything fast.

In 1995 we moved to Starobeshevo of Donetsk region of Ukraine. The first form I finished in a new school (Starobeshevskaya school) in a new collective. The teacher of primary school Derevyanchenco Inna turned out very remarkable person, thanks to whom I connected with a new collective. Very hard it was to transform to Ukrainian language but I coped with quickly. I was active girl, liked to sew and embroider. I went to the Palace of Culture and learning dancing and joined the miniature theatre.

In 1999 we moved to Komsomolskoye town, Starobeshevsk district of Donetsk region. I went to the new school Komsomolsk compulsory secondary school ¹1, which I have finished. I took an active part in school and district Olympiads and sport competitions. I joined dancing and dzudo sections. I took an active part in school life. I did well excellently. My favourite subject was Physics. My teacher developed love to it, Chernyshova Svetlana. But Physics as it turned out only at school.

My low bow to my class guide the teacher of History Maslakova Svetlana who did her best to make us real people, she has given herself for us. Many thanks to this remarkable, clever, exacting and very kind “Person”.

In 11th form I began preparing to enter the University, attended the preparing lessons on Algebra and Geometry. I decided to enter the Railway Institute where I have given my documents and entered the courses. But contest was very high and I didn’t get the budget course. So I gave my documents to the Donetsk National Technical University and passed the exams very well and got the budget course. I relized that nothing occurs occasionally and I’m grateful to destiny to get my chance.


In 2004 I entered Donetsk National Technical University, the faculty of Economics and Management, the speciality “Staff Management and Economy of Labour”. It was chosen this speciality, because now the moving force of enterprises development the personnel becomes and that is literal guidance. So the given speciality is in great demand at the labour market.

In September as all the first year students I have stepped the threshold of this institution for the first time. The first lecture was in 11 building on the subject “Political Economics”. Acquainting with the first lecturer Usacheva Galina founded the positive basis and interest in economic subjects. I thank her for the interesting and attractive arrangement of teacher process.

Unlimited running began from one building to another, unsleeping nights, essays, individual tasks, tests and exams. We have learned a lot of subjects each of them was needed on its own line.

At the second term of the third course was the question to choose the theme for scientific research work. My guide was Shatalova Eugeon who helped and supported me while my working. I have chosen one of the actual problems for our enterprises “Organization of the professional training of enterprise's personnel”.

During tuition I wrote articles, took part in institute and interinstitute Olympiads. At the end of the 4th course I have passed the complex state exam and have got the diploma of bachelor with excellent mark and entered the magistrate budget tuition. On the first term of the 5th course I’ve got the new scientific guide Mormul Natalia, who sow into my work deeply, she always helps and supports me in research of problem.

I’m grateful to my lecturers for patience and understanding. My low bow and gratitude.

Plans for future

In the nearest future I plan to submit diploma successfully, to find suitable job as for the speciality and to grow professionally. It’s very important for me is my family welfare, strong and friendly family. I’d like to visit many countries of the word. It’s important never stop and surrender, to long to the best and great. I’m sure everything will be O.k.

DonNTU > Master's portal || ABSTRACT