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Dolgova Marina

Dolgova Marina

Faculty of economy

Department of economy and marketing

Speciality: Economy of enterprise (marketing)

Theme of master's work:

Forming of organizational structure of management of water allocation enterprise

Scientific leader:prof. Nadtoka Tatyana

Materials on the topic of master's work: About author



Research actuality on a management and his socio-economic aspects a communal enterprise in the conditions of instability is determined foremost becoming of market economy, which in same queue requires alteration of not only forms and methods of menage but also thought of all of categories worker, which take part in the process of management an economy. The value of this problem goes out both in theoretical and in practical, aspects on the first plan not only because over 70% all of worker incorporated in production collectives, where approximately 90% is created national income but also by the difficult enough, unsteady situation of production collectives in the present state of domestic economy. The reform of management is needed not only at pertaining to national economy level but also in the basic link of economy – enterprise. In spite of the stage of privatization of many large industrial objects, which proceeds, change of legal forms, so far it was not succeeded to plug industrial enterprises in a market mechanism as his valuable mechanism. Therefore the necessary condition of permission of the put tasks is a scientific search, analysis, generalization of practice and ground of such control system by an enterprise, which would provide the increase of efficiency of work and market saturation high-quality commodities, accessible for a mass user, and in my case is optimization of processes of labour, and most effective growing of labour force.

The purpose of the study

The purpose of this work is development of recommendations on the improvement of organizational structure of management an enterprise on the example of the Donetsk regional production management of communal enterprise «Company «Water of Donbass».

Research task

Achievement of the put purpose is carried out by the decision of the followings tasks: - description of basic types of organizational structures; - analysis of basic functions of communal enterprise, consideration of him, organizational structure and exposure of most structural subdivision after the amount of workers; - analysis of basic descriptions of management structure Donetsk TEAR KP «Company «Water of Donbassa» and determination of necessity of its perfection; - conducting of questionnaire on an enterprise, conducting of estimation of possible ways of perfection of organizational structure of management on the method of analysis of hierarchies T. Saati; - processing of data of questionnaire, making of recommendations, on perfection of organizational structure of management.

Object of study

A research object in this work is the Donetsk regional production management of communal enterprise «Company «Water of Donbass»

The subject of research studies

The improvement of organizational structure of management of the analysed enterprise comes forward the article of research

Methods of research

Research methodology consists in to formalized-logical research of basic financial and production descriptions of enterprises of association, determination of weak sides, in the system of administrative management, which was folded, and on the base of these information development of recommendations on their liquidation in relation to select structural subdivision.

Scientific value

The scientific value of research results consists of ground of suggestions on forming and perfection of effective organizational structures of management in communal enterprises which behave in most to conservative directions of practice of management.

Practical value

Practical meaningfulness of research results consists of possibility of the use of the developed methodical approach in activity of communal enterprises, in the process of their perfection in changing political and economic terms

Content of work

Essence of linear (hierarchical) structure of management consists in that the managing operating on an object can be passed only one by a dominant person — leader which gets official information only from it, directly to him inferior persons, makes decision on all questions, which behave to the part of object guided by him, and carries responsibility for his work before a higher leader A functional structure was folded as an inevitable result of complication of management process. The feature of functional structure consists in that is though kept undivided authority, but on the separate functions of management the special subsections the workers of which own knowledges and skills of work in this area of management are formed A devizional structure quite often is characterized as combination of the centralized co-ordination with a decentralizing management (decentralization at saving of co-ordination and control). Adaptive, or organic, management structures provide the rapid reaction of enterprise on changing of external environment, instrumental in introduction of new production technologies. These structures are oriented on speed-up realization of the difficult programs and projects, can be used on enterprises, in associations, at the level of industries and markets

At writing of this abstract of thesis master's degree work is not yet complete. Final completion: December, 2009. Complete text of work and materials on the topic can be got for an author or for his leader after the indicated date

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