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Filalotov Yaroslav

Filalotov Yaroslav

Faculty menedgmentai innovatsiy

Speciality:Professional selection of staff

Theme of master's work:

Increase of the labour productivity on enterprises

Scientific adviser: Zaharova Oksana



Middle mark in the period of studying 4,7. Freely I own Ukrainian and by Russian languages. I am interested in high-tech, computer technique, bank operations. I have an experience gating in time passing of practice on enterprises mine "Krasnoarmeyskay zapadnay 1" and LTD. "Agrotis"

Short biography:


I, Filatov Yaroslav Ivan, was born on September, 4, 1987 in the settlement of city type Udachnoe district of the Donetsk region, Ukraine. My mother - Filatova Nina Timofeevna. My father - Filatov Ivan Kondratevich. My brother - Filatov Vladimir. While many children studied to read and write as early as preschool time I firmly declared I will go out into school there and will teach, in nursery school walked only 4 days, to the discharge of pleasing to me nursery governess, whereupon flatly renounced and to the first September, 1993 sat at a home. From four years was above all my fascination modelling from plasticine or beeswax in default of first one. In this age professed interest to the designers.

School years

All 11 years ofstudying passed at local settlement school. In school I was sent in incomplete six years, because from preschool education I renounced, as a result I turned out far junior other. Gave special preference to mathematics, chemistry, history and literature, but special seat in my teaching was taken by geography. My table books of encyclopaedia and heap of geographical atlases which chose my table from 8 years were confirmation to that. Regularly participated in olympiads on mathematics, chemistry, history and geography and repeatedly took prize seats. At school studied well. In the same the time began to play draughts and chess, love to which was instiled by my elder brother. In what or mugs did not adopt participation in investigation of their absence in a settlement. In 6-9 classes my progress strongly became worse, it was not to what or to motivation to become taut in teaching by a reason to that weak competition at settlement school, laziness, obstinacy and uncontrolled independence. After ending of ninth class to me it was suggested to do some work on summer vacations on an agricultural enterprise as raznorabochego Current. After the first day of work I anymore did not want to work and damned itself that agreed to it, but fearing to bring a mother which arranged me on this work, finished off to the end. This was my first experience of labour activity which to the great deal taught me, I realized what heavy manual labour. Exactly this fact of my biography compelled me little different to look on education and his necessity for more high-quality realization of itself in the life. 10-11 class was passed in search of answer for a question: what profession to get and where to continue a further study. Successfully handing over all examinations, finished school, getting a certificate with a few four.


To 10 class I dreamed to study on speciality the International economy, because it was me interesting economy in a global scale. Revising everything «pro and con» I decided for a short time to wait with a dream, in a greater degree from English which I was given me problematic. In March, three months prior to completion of school I handed over ratings tests in DonNTU and Dnepropetrovsk railway university and into both Institutes of higher I entered, but decided to bind the further teaching to the economy. The choice of speciality is conditioned the greater stake of creative activity of speciality Management a personnel economy of labour in relation to other specialities. In the procese teaching I was interested by the theme of the labour productivity, above all things, for lack of attention to so important index in the Ukrainian economy and statistics. An increase of the labour productivity is the primary concern of every production enterprise, and for the state this index kharakterezuet level of development of proizvodstvenykh forces. On our speciality of leaders it is not chosen itself, but I am high pleased the leader of Zakharova Oksana. Studying in the university was not too difficult because many of the studied disciplines beat me interesnymi.

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