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Garmashova Kristina

Garmashova Kristina

Faculty: Management and innovations

Speciality: Human resources management and labour economics

Theme of master's work:

Cost-benefit analysis of investments in human resources

Scientific adviser: Zaharova Oksana

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


My grade point average at university equal to 5.0. My Russian and Ukrainian are fluent. My English knowledge is sufficient for reading, writing and some communication, but not excellent. I’m communicative, committed, organized. I’m interested in literature, music (I play the guitar, piano and professionally sing) and cinema. I’m a motorist.

Short biography:


I am Garmashova Kristina, was born in 1987 the 23th of April in Makeevka town of Donetsk region. My parents, Garmashov Vadim and Garmashova Svetlana, are engineers of mining industry by education.

In my childhood I was really fascinated by handiwork (needlework, crochet, knitting, embroidery) thanks to my grandmother Garmashova Varvara, she is a seamstress. I was dreaming to become a designer of clothes.


From September 1994 till June 1998 I studied at Makeevka comprehensive school №8. From September 1995 till June 1998 I studied playing the piano at Makeevka musical school №5. In summer 1998 I with my parents moved to Donetsk. From September 1998 till June 2004 I studied at Donetsk comprehensive school №61, where I received a certificate about senior secondary education. From September 1998 till June 2002 I studied singing at Donetsk school of arts №3, where I got a certificate about its finishing.

I wish to thank my first teacher Tsukalenko T., classroom teacher at school ¹8 Taratorina L., classroom teacher at school ¹61 Popolitova L., teacher of Russian and literature Levchuk E., teacher of English Strokina N.


From September 2004 till June 2008 I studied at Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU) by speciality «Human resources management and labour economics» (HRMLE), where I received a bachelor's degree with distinction. Since September of 2008 I’ve been doing a master's degree in DonNTU at the same speciality. I chose this university by family tradition, my grandfather in his time finished Donetsk polytechnic institute and my parents as well. Speciality HRMLE attracted my attention by its novelty and modernity. I was accepted at university by results of interview. During university years I’ve been acknowledged by diplomas about high attainments in studying and active participation in chair social life many times, in addition I have been a head student of HRMLE-04b group and then HRMLE-08m group. In 2006 I took premier place in section «Human resources management and labor economics» at the seventh international conference of students and young scientists, which was carried out at Donetsk national university.

The most useful subjects, in my opinion, were «Human resources management», «Management of human resources development», «Labour economics», «English», «Managerial ethics».

I would like to say a special thanks professor Shvets I., docent Zaharova O., lecturers Lyskova S. and Kotov E.

Since September 2008 I’ve been learning English at The London School of English in Donetsk. Since the same time I’ve been distance studying by international program at University Pierre Mendes - France in Grenoble city, France, faculty of Economy, strategies, enterprise.

A theme of my master’s work «Cost-benefit analysis of investments in human resources» is actual, because company’s stuff, which can solve industrial problems correctly and operatively, is the major factor of a production efficiency and enterprise‘s competitiveness. Increase of stuff’s professionalism, development of leader qualities and others important competencies claim certain investments in human resources development, and top management of any company needs a fair substantiation of expediency and profitability of investing for decision-making about it.

During all university years and in part school years I have used internet technologies as enormous information resource.

Today my main objectives are passing exams at University Pierre Mendes - France and receiving European bachelor's degree in economy and management, as well as finishing and defence of master's thesis and getting master's degree of DonNTU, whereat successful job placement, career progress, family, children etc.

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