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Gubkina Darya

Gubkina Darya

Faculty: Economy
Speciality: Economy of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Motivation of personal activity on enterprises

Scientific adviser: Fischenko Oksana

About author

Summary of research and developments

Actuality of a theme. On all stages of development of production a man and his activity was especially important. Now huge part of work was undertaken by machines which that become more irreplaceable because of active scientist technical progress. But if a man will not correctly manage these achievements of science, useful effect of work will not be attained. For job of man performance the special influencing is rendered by his motivation to the active and competent actions. Therefore it is so important and necessary is to be engaged in the problems of motivation and method of their decision on enterprises.

The purpose of work : theoretical ground and practical development of measures on the improvement of the system of motivation of personal activity on enterprises.

Tasks of a work :

  • An analysis of the folded tendencies in the system of motivation of personal activity;
  • Research of publications in Ukraine and world on this theme;
  • Ground of difference between stimulation and motivation;
  • Development of mechanism of calculation of motivation of employees;
  • Development of universal model of motivation of employees;
  • Determination of measures on the improvement of the motivation system.
  • "Theoretical aspects of problem of motivation of job activity" is the first section of master's degree work. There are considered factors which determine motivation: work successes, confession of merits, process of job, degree of responsibility, official growth, professional growth, possibilities of creation, promotion. Presence any of these factors or all of them are conduct positive reasons of the job because it increases the degree of satisfaction about work.[1, 15-27]

    The concept of motivation in the given section is explained from some parties:
    1) In the general understanding the motivation is a set of motive forces, which move the person to performance of certain actions. These forces can have external and internal origin and force the person to make those or other acts consciously or irresponsibly;
    2) the Motivation is a process at which the head induces subordinates to work for achievement of the purposes of the enterprise, i.e. it is process of involving of the separate person or group of people to the activity directed on performance of the purposes of the enterprise and achievement of the personal purposes. To make work with someone's hands the head needs to influence needs, interests, conditions, requirements, motives of behaviour.[3, 116-120]

    Then was determinate a connection between motivation and income. It consists in two directions: growth of motivation of personnel positively influences on a production of high-quality goods and accordingly on an income. On the other side, on big enterprises the celery of employees increases with the increase of income, and celery, as is generally known, it one of main factors of financial stimulation.

    "Stimulation and motivation" is the second section of master's degree work. The evolution of theories of motivation is considered in this section from Aristotle (considered that the 12 independent motivators are move the people. In his list: confidence, pleasure, accumulation, grandeur, honour, ambitions, patience, sincerity, conversation, social contact, moderation and rightness) and Dekart (considered that all human conduct was determined in six basic reasons: by curiosity, love, hatred, desire, gladness and sadness) to the famous pyramid of necessities of A. Maslou (By Maslou, these people are the best of human race, its best representatives. He supposed also, that these people had attained that level of personality development, which is potentially stopped up in each of us) and contemporaries of age. [12, 10-12]

    Basic attention was spared distinction between a stimulus and motivation. Stimulus it nothing external in relation to a man. Secondly, ability to "irritate" sense organs of the person is peculiar to stimulus, that is influence as stimulus should be carried out within a threshold of sensitivity of the person. So, in a wide sense, the stimulus is such influence by one person on another which induces it to the directed action necessary to the initiator of influence. If influence does not cause prompting to certain action it is possible to consider such stimulus not effective. The stimulus is set to the person by someone from the outside. Now about "motive". The motive is an ideal image in the internal plan of consciousness of the person. Secondly, it is not simply ideal representation, and energetically sated image of a necessary, requirement-significant subject. As a source of incentive force of motive requirements act. So, motivation is based on a requirement system of the person, in other words, results from within. Thus, stimulation is a process of influence on the person by means of requirement-significant for it an external subject (object, conditions, a situation, etc.), inducing the person to certain actions (stay in comfortable conditions, etc.).

    The motivation (as process) is process of emotionally-sensual comparison of an image of the requirement with image of an external subject (the applicant about requirement). Or, the motivation (as the mechanism) is an internal mental mechanism of the person which provides an identification of a subject corresponding to requirement and starts the directed behaviour on assignment of this subject (if it corresponds to requirement). Therefore, as it is paradoxical, but it is not absolutely correct to speak about motivation of the person, the personnel, etc. from an organization management. It is possible to speak about the organization or management of motivation (motivational processes) the person, the personnel, etc.[17]

    Has been considered the model "Motivation-stimulus". It can be applied at formation of a policy of stimulation of the personnel. Following variants of such policy are possible:
    1. By working out and application of system of stimulation to generate and support the certain motivational profile of the company that corresponding to realized strategy of development of business. In this case the stimulation system should create extremely not comfortable conditions for the personnel with undesirable motivational type, and create favorable conditions for workers with comprehensible motivational type. Thereby, there will be "washing away" of the personnel to adverse type of motivation instead of which the set of the new personnel having desirable structure of motivation will be made.
    2. To optimize stimulation system under an existing motivational profile of the company for providing extremely constructive behaviour of an available personnel.

    "Model of motivation of the personnel at the enterprise" the third section master's degree work. It is devoted a practical explanation of perfection the system of motivation of the personnel at the big industrial enterprise. Fig. 1 Model of motivation of the personnel at the enterprise

    The enterprise functions with system of motivation of the personnel before the moment improving of this system yet is not required. It can be improved in following directions:
    - Motivation of growth of quality of work;
    - Motivation of growth of manufacture of one working;
    - Social protection and personnel guarantees;
    - Improvement of system of payment and work stimulation.[29]

    In this section have been given recommendations to improvement of production quality about following directions:
    1) defect decrease;
    2) updating of technologies.
    The basic attention on personnel stimulation has been given a material kind of motivation of employees.

    This master's degree work is in stages of working out and the general conclusions will be made after a final analysis.

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    ©DonNTU 2009 Gubkina Darya.