Role of segmentation and positioning in sphere of advertising

Gubkina D. and Ptycina T.
Donetsk National Technical University

Джерело: V Міжнародна науково-теоретична конференція студентів та молодих вчених "Актуальні проблеми економічного та соціального розвитку виробничої сфери" - Донецк, ДонНТУ - 5 червня 2008р., с. 43-45.

   The advertising is a progress of the goods in the market

   Advertising - any paid form of not personal representation of organization, goods, service or idea on behalf of the concrete sponsor.

   Ultimate goal of publicities is the increase of selling of any goods or services.

   To advertising in mass media (MASS-MEDIA) usually is carried by the advertisements in press (newspapers and magazines), till radio, TV and on standard boards of the outdoor advertising.

   There is a line of the requirements, at which satisfaction the advertising is effective:

  • precisely formulates a market position of the goods, that is contains the information on specificity of his(its) use, difference from the goods of the competitors;
  • promises the consumer essential benefits at purchase of the goods, for what his(its) advantages are shown, the positive image is created, other preconditions of preference and in heading of the advertising reference(manipulation), and in stylistics of submission of text and graphic materials are formed;
  • creates and introduces in consciousness clear, image, balanced in details, of the goods - a stereotype increasing his(its) value in eyes of the consumers;
  • emphasizes high quality of the offered goods and at the same time level of execution(performance) associates with this high quality;
  • is original and consequently is not boring, does not repeat known, bothered decisions;
  • has an exact target orientation, reflecting different inquiries, desires, the interests of the concrete consumers and informing them so that took into account distinctions of consumer demand in the certain advertising audience;
  • involves(attracts) attention, that is reached(achieved) by the successful art text decisions, accommodation of the advertisement in mass media using high reputation, which read, listen, look whom the advertising is designed;
  • does(makes) accent(stress) on new unique features and properties of the goods, that is the precondition of his(its) success in the market and most working making advertising argument.
  •    The advertising in mass media differs by influence on wide circles of the population and consequently is expedient for products both services of wide consumption and mass demand.

       Advertising in press. The advertising in the newspapers and magazines has received a wide circulation, and on volume of expenses concedes only to advertising on TV. Advertising in the newspapers more cheaply television. At the same time quality of reproduction of the advertising originals in the newspapers usually low. From here advertisements, placed in them,, as a rule, are less attractive.

       Advertising till radio. Advantage of radio before other mass media: a 24-hour announcement on many regions and variety of the programs. To radio listen in inhabited and industrial premises. Therefore advertisements placed in the appropriate radio programs, cover significant interest of the given audience of the consumers, irrespective of, where they are, - at job, on rest, in ways. The radio advertising is operative and has low cost. At the same time during recognition advertising address, broadcast on radio, the sight does not participate, through which the man receives up to 90 % of the information.

       Television advertising. The television announcements include the image, sound, movement, colour and consequently render on an advertising audience the much greater influence, than announcement in other mass media.

       The outdoor advertising. The posters on boards of the outdoor advertising will usually be stirred along brisk auto lines and in places of a congestion of the people and remind to the consumers of firms or goods, which they already know, or specify to the potential buyers places, where they can make the purchases, necessary to them, or receive the appropriate service. The basic type of the outdoor advertising is the large-sized poster. Also exist electrified light panels. Are be a board of the non-standard size and forms made on " to the special order ".

      Concept of segmentation of the market

       Concept " segmentation of the market " for the first time has applied U. Smit in connection with distributed in 50 years in USA by strategy of the manufacturers aspiring to modify the qualitative characteristics of the goods in conformity е by inquiries of various groups of the potential consumers. This approach was born as opposition of strategy of mass marketing, long time professed by the international corporations.

       With the help of segmentation their certain types, that is market segments showing more or less homogeneous requirements to the goods get out of general number of the potential consumers. On these segments of the market also should be focused manufacture and realization of the goods.

      Thus, the segment is a special image the selected part of the market (group of the clients in the market), having the similar characteristics and equally reacting on the certain marketing effort.

       The segmentation of the market of the goods or service represents multiplane, that is made on the most different characteristics, division of all potential consumers of the concrete market into the large enough groups in such a manner that each of them shows special, much excellent and steady requirements to the given goods or service, in comparisons with other consumers.

       The overall objective of segmentation of the market is to supply place developed, made and sold goods.

       Version of segmentation of the market

       There are various ways of segmentation of jerk. They represent sets of parameters, on which the buyers are characterized by a generality of the attitudes to this or that goods.

       The segmentation on socio economic variable represents division of the consumers into groups to attributes of a floor, age, size of family, income, occupation, education, belonging to social group. At all defects such way of segmentation is clear enough and has universal character.

       The segmentation to an attribute of culture means the account of influence of cultural distinctions (stereotype of consumption preferred design style, consumer buyers.

       The segmentation under the geographical factors is a differentiation of strategy of marketing for the urban and village clients, for various regions and areas of the country.

       Segmentation under adaptation of the consumers to the new goods - division of the consumers on distinctions in reaction to occurrence of the new goods or new marketing concept.

       The segmentation on channels of reception of products represents division of the buyers in view of their adherence to the certain types of the contractors, with which they constantly cooperate or which are for them, in their opinion most suitable partners.

       Segmentation on a degree of use of the goods this division of the market on a part depending on what on him a degree of use of your goods.

       The segmentation on primacy of purchase - division of the consumers on, whether is got the goods for the first time or for replacement same (or similar).

       Problem of segmentation for advertising influence

       Position of a product - opinion of the consumers on major parameters of a product. The position of a product characterizes a place occupied by a concrete product in minds of the consumers in relation to a product of the competitors. As against image of a product being in the greater degree the emotional characteristic, the position of a product is formed, as a rule, on a basis quantitatively of parameters (share of the market, characteristic of a product, price etc.). The positioning assumes definition of characteristics of the goods allocating it in environment of competing analogues. At last, the positioning (in absence of the goods - competitors) is clearing out, in view of unique opportunities of the goods, his(its) specific place in the market and in opinions of the buyers, place of the given specification of the goods in the long term.

       The motives of purchase in target group at positioning should be supported with the marketing characteristics of the goods both its competitive advantages and features. Thus seven conditions necessary for a choice of correct positioning in the market, as a rule, are allocated:

  • it is good to understand real positions of the stamp in consciousness of the buyer (that is degree of popularity brand and degree of loyalty brand);
  • to know positioning the competing stamps, especial - main competitors;
  • to choose an own position and arguments for its(her) substantiation (that is marketing characteristics + motives of purchase = positioning = the advertising argument);
  • to estimate potential profitability of a chosen position;
  • to be convinced that the stamp has sufficient potential to reach(achieve) the necessary positioning in consciousness of the buyer;
  • whether to estimate vulnerability of positioning (it is enough at us of resources to borrow(occupy) and to protect the chosen position);
  • to be convinced of a coordination of the chosen positioning with other marketing factors (price, communications and selling).
  •    Thus, from the analysed material it is visible, that the concepts of segmentation, positioning and advertising are closely connected. It is necessary to the manufacturer to lead(carry out) researches of preferences potential and already of existing consumers, and also to investigate the market, on which he is going to leave with production (niche, competitors, consumers). In a result of the made job the manufacturer can create and increase demand for production, having carried out qualitative advertising campaign.

    ©DonNTU 2007 Gubkina D.