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Kogteva Olena

Kogteva Olena

Faculty economy

Speciality: Economy of enterprise (coal industry)

Theme of master's work:

"Organizational and economic mechanisms of innovative technology development company"

Scientific adviser: Lysyakov V.

Materials on the theme of master's work: About author


World experience shows that stable economic growth, escalating of a regional national produce probably only on an innovative basis under condition of active use of modern scientific and technical achievements, and also ability to formation and realisation of own innovative potential of the enterprises.

In this connection becomes actual a question of a choice of the most effective toolkit of management of innovative activity of the enterprise, an estimation of its innovative potential. The decision of these questions will objectively allow to raise competitiveness of the enterprise, to define operatively internal possibilities of innovative activity, to reveal the latent reserves of development of industrial structure for the purpose of increase of efficiency of commercial activity of the enterprise.

The aim of this work is perfection of a technique of an estimation of financial and economic efficiency of innovations of the enterprise.

The objectives of the master's work:
1. To analyse a current state of methods of an estimation of innovative potential which is applied in native and foreign practice;
2. To develop a method of an estimation of innovations of the enterprises depending on their technical efficiency;
3. To define the major factors, which influence on formation and efficiency of employment of innovative potential;
4. To execute approbation of definition of efficiency of investments into innovations in the conditions of the concrete enterprise.

Object of research is innovative activity of the enterprise.

Subject of research is an estimation of innovative potential of the enterprise.

Methods of research are mathematical statistics, the correlation analysis, the comparative analysis, the technical and economic analysis.

Scientific importance of the work is improvement of an estimation of financial and economic efficiency of innovations at the enterprise.

Maintenance of the work

In the first section problems of an estimation of innovative potential of the enterprise, the essence and value of an estimation of economic potential of the enterprise, and also indicators of definition of innovative potential of the enterprise reveals, are considered The economic potential can be defined as cumulative possibilities of a society to optimum use of available resources in the course of production relations with a view of satisfaction of requirements of members of a society. That is, the economic potential is a difficult system, which starts to be formed at the level of enterprises, households, rise above and forme economic potential of a branch and region, and also of a society as a whole. In some publications it is ascertained that scientifically-methodical approaches to an estimation of economic potential of the separate enterprises are insufficiently developed. At the same time this problem is extremely important, because the economic potential estimation of the country, without opening thus character of the processes, which take place directly at the separate enterprises.

Therefore for the purpose of management in such difficult system as economic potential it is expedient to allocate such separate subsystem, as innovative potential.

The innovative potential is considered as difficult dynamic system of generating, accumulation and transformation of scientific ideas and scientific technical results in innovative products and processes. The innovative potential of the enterprise is a subsystem of complete system in which it interconnected with others potentials of the enterprise (personnel, scientific and technical, industrial, technological etc.).

There are also various points of view on structure of innovative potential. Thus separate authors identify it with scientific technical potential, or allocate only separate elements which open only some features of innovative potential. Components of innovative potential are:
1) Scientific and technical, administrative and personnel potentials;
2) Personnel, material, information-methodological, organizational-administrative;
3) Marketing, industrial, administrative;
4) Research, tehniko-technological, industrial;
5)Marketing, organizational-technological, industrial, research and development.

Today the general approach to working out of methods and criteria of an estimation of innovative potential of the industrial enterprises is not generated yet.

After study of foreign experience of an estimation of innovative potential and efficiency of innovative activity, it is possible to see that in the USA, for example, apply raighly 50 indicators which the help of which efficiency of research and development is compared.

In March, 2000 in Lisbon the decision to create the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) or "cards of the European scientifically-innovative space" from developed to a rating scale was accepted. Analysis of them would allow to fix a situation in each branch, to each country both in EU as a whole and on the basis of consideration of dynamic numbers to define and trace trends of key indicators.

These decisions have been realised in December, 2001 in which indicators have been designed on the basis of standard statistics of system EUROSTAT. Originally this system included 17 indicators (the basic indicators) which are selected for generalisation of major factors and results of innovative activity. Since 2003 EIS includes 19 indicators. They are divided into four groups:
1. Human resources for innovations;
2. Creation of new knowledge;
3. Transfer and application of knowledge;
4. Financing of innovations, sales and the markets.


The analysis of references has shown that scientists have no certain definition to concept «innovative potential», therefore in the following definition has been offered: the innovative potential is a difficult dynamic system of generating, accumulation and transformation of scientific ideas and scientific and technical results in innovative products and processes.

The innovative potential of the enterprise depends on a number of the factors defining its formation, development and active use such as: a condition of an innovative climate of region of activity of the enterprise; features of innovative activity of the enterprise; development managements of innovative activity, motivation systems; optimisation of a complex of marketing.

Today the general approach to essence of innovative potential of the enterprises working out of methods and criteria of an estimation haven’t been generated yet. The level of theoretical and methodological working out does not allow to satisfy requirement of the enterprises. According to all aforesaid, it is necessary to notice that the estimation of innovative potential of the enterprise should be directed on revealing and studying of the factors influencing its formation, development and realisation for the purpose of definition of degree of use of innovative possibilities of the enterprise. On this basis conclusion about level of innovative activity of the enterprise must be done.

The note: the Author's abstract has survey character. It is not full version of the master’s degree research, because the research will be continued an autumn semestre of 2009.

About author