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Nagornaya Natalia

Nagornaya Natalia

Faculty: economy

Speciality: economy of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Improvement of pricing on an industrial railway transport

Scientific adviser: Krapivnickaya Svetlana

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


My average mark in the period of studying at the University is 4,58. My native languages are Russian and Ukrainian. My level of English is Intermediate. I have an experience working with the programs of MS Office (Word, Excel, Access, Power Point). Interests : vocal, music, dances, theater, cinema, photographing.

Short biography:


I, Nagornaya Natalia Alexandrovna was born on October, 4, 1987 in the city of Donetsk, in family of workers. My father – Nagorniy Alexander Afanasevich, is a manager in a guild on DMZ, received 3 higher educations. He was born in Sumskiy region. My mother – Nagornaya Olga Vasiliyevna is a housewife. She was born in 1958 in Donetsk. I express my special gratitude to my parents for my life and upbringing. In childhood I was a quiet girl, I liked to design clothes and wanted to become a designer. My childhood went by in the fresh air, I was surrounded by nature. We lived on the outskirts of Donetsk in the house of my fathers parents. I remember very well playing with friends in the forest – hide-and-seek, pointers, football. Childhood passed very joyfully, but, unfortunately, very quickly.


In 1993 I became a pupil of the first class, school ¹ 105. In 1996 my father got an apartment in a center of the city, and we moved. So my new interesting life began in a new place. I entered the third class of school ¹37. I began actively to learn English, and I also took some private lessons. I express my special gratitude to my teachers of English. My class had a bias in Economics and Mathematics. I showed special interest to exact sciences and English. During learning at school I had an enormous desire to learn music and dances. I began to learn ballroom dances and singing in a recreation youth centre. I actively took part in life of school, in competitions in dancing and singing. After completion of the seventh class, I gave up dances and began to get busy a karate. In the same year I took part in a regional competition in singing «Asterisk», which was showed on TV. In 9-11 forms I even managed to take some winning places in competitions by singing. Now singing and dancing are my hobbies.


In 2004 I finished school ¹37 and as a result of long preparations, I entered Donetsk National Technical University. A deciding role in the choice of speciality was played by a school bias in Economics and Mathematics and in the choice of higher educational establishment the good reputation of DonNTU. Therefore, in 2004 I became a student of the first course of DonNTU for specialities «economy of enterprise » Faculty of Economy and Management. I remember the first course as the jolliest and funniest. I was a member of KVN team from DonNTU during the first year of study. But then I decided to leave the team, and focus on an educational process. In 2008 I got the Bachelor’s Degree. In the same year I entered the Master’s Programme in Economics. My strong desire to develop professionalism and leadership skills became a good motivation to enter the Programme. My scientific leader Krapivnickaya Svetlana Nickolaevna helped me to choose the topic of Master's thesis: «Improvement of pricing on an industrial railway transport»

My plans for the nearest future are to receive Master's Degree work and find job with possibility of career growth, where it will be possible for me to improve my professional skills and encourage my personal growth.

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