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Naumenko Irina

Naumenko Irina

Faculty: of economic
Speciality: Economic of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Development of logistic system of stocks management

Scientific adviser: Bondareva Irina

About author

Summary of research and developments

Introduction (Motivation)

In the conditions of increasing competition important become questions about development and application by innovative technologies at the coal industries markets. Part of this development there is the productions inventories control system. Generally known, that exactly there are a lot of unsolved problems at forming of the control system by these circulating assets of enterprises. One of principal reasons of such state is insufficient development of substantive provisions of the productions inventories control systems in the difficult terms when economy is transforms.

Many questions are devoted to adaptation and introduction of analogous to the productions inventories control systems in-use by foreign enterprises. Fundamental works by Гryneva, Gavrylenko, Blank, Бланка, which appeared the last years, does not engulf all complex of questions about domestic industrial enterprises.

The purpose of master's work is subsequent development of theoretical positions, methodical approaches and development of practical recommendations in relation to perfection of supplies control system; using of logistic approach; opening of essence of circulating productions supplies, deep analysis of their real state and use in coal industry of Ukraine.

Survey of research and developments

Section 1. “Theoretical aspects of functioning of the logistic inventories control system on an industrial enterprise”

The complex of theoretical tasks is decided:

- certainly place and role of productions supplies in economic activity of enterprise;

- a necessity and expedience of development of the logistic inventories control system is grounded on operating enterprises on the basis of analysis of theoretical government bases by supplies;

- interpretation of supply is analysed, formulated his determination as logistic concepts and categories.

The logistic is modern science about rational organization of production and division. Due to this science it is possible to provide delivery of any loads in the earliest possible date and with the least labours, material and financial charges.

The logistic is interpreted as follows: it is organization of planning and management by preparation and purposeful use of facilities and services necessary for the decision of concrete tasks.

The logistic system is the adaptive system ticker-coil, which executes those or other logistic functions (operations), consists of subsystems and has the developed intersystem connections and connections with an external environment.

Supplies as an economic category act important part in the field of production and appeal of products. To research of economic essence of supplies the devoted labours of domestic and foreign authors.

Supplies execute a few important functions which are instrumental in the increase of flexibility in the management by an enterprise: piling up; protection from inflation; management by charges by the use of discount, that depends on an order volume.

A supply is the staple of the economic system, which smooths out the unevenness of production, exchange, division and consumption of material welfares.

In production logistic a large role belongs to the processes of timely supply of production by all necessary materials, stuffs wares. By oversea specialists it is developed and inculcated a few these processes control systems in practice: 1) МRP (Materials Requirements Planning) is system of planning of productions resources; 2) “KANBAN” is a method, that provides the operative adjusting of amount of the conducted products on every stage of production; 3) “Just-in-time”; 4) ОPT - (Optimized Production Technologies) are the optimized productions technologies; 5) DRP (Distribution Requirements Planing) is the control and planning of division of products system.

Section 2. “The Methodological government bases by productions supplies”

The problems related to the state of supplies of coal industry and sources of their forming are explored.

Section 3. “Increase of efficiency of the supplies using”

The methods of supplies rotation and direction of perfection management by circulating assets are examined.

Control after supplies it is necessary to carry out in accordance with the following principles: 1) leaving materials is necessary only those, that is used in production; 2) to set the size of supply of every type of raw material and materials taking into account a middle production supply, which contains a current necessity preparatory and guarantee supplies; 3) to organize storage of supplies on modern resursosberegayuschym technologies; 4) supplies must be subject to the complete account marking; 5) to set unique principle of vacation of raw material and materials in production - after the method of middle prices, LIFO, or FIFO.

In a work the formula is offered for the calculation of middle investment in supplies.


The specific of supplies forming and using is predefined by their setting in the public recreation and consists, at first, in providing continuity and regularity process of products production and realization, secondly, in mobilization of internal productions backlogs. For clarification of supplies classifications, certainly basic groups of factors, which influence on their composition and structure, namely: supply, production and sale.

Development of the effective logistic inventories control system is the mortgage of the successful functioning of enterprises in the conditions of economic limitations. For its realization is needed:

• to inculcate the checking system after the use of supplies in a production process with the purpose of optimization of charges on transporting, storage and preparation to the start in production;

• to promote intensity of the use of supplies through acceleration of their rotation.


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  15. Основные системы управления запасами.

About author

© ДonNТU 2009, Naumenko І.