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Naumenko Irina

Naumenko Irina

Faculty: of economic

Speciality: Economic of enterprise

Theme of master's work:

Development of logistic system of stocks management

Scientific adviser: Bondareva Irina

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


I attained high results in education. Four years later I had bachelor’s diploma with average mark of progress at 4,9. I always go to the end in the decision of the put purpose. I own competent Ukrainian for drafting of official documents. I have an experience on an industrial enterprise.

Personal qualities: communicability, responsibility, skill to work in a team, skill to work with the large volume of information, purposefulness, compulsory.


“Stamp, stamp, a baby is stamping…”

In 1986 on 24 of November my parents presented me to the world, Iren Naumenko, and more exactly my mum made a present to my dad at his birthday – the lovely daughter. I am the second child in our family.

My family are living in Shakhtersk of Donetsk region. The town is small but there are many of mines. That is why my town is well known. The parents have inculcated in me a trait of independence from my earliest ages. I think that they turned out well it…

“Where does a childhood pass away…?”

When I was one and a half years old I have begun going to the kindergarten, which named “Buratino”. Junior group, senior group – what can be better then such carefree life when “seven child-minders” are near you all the time. I was very active child, fastly developing. I have learned writing and reading early. Very often I read my “colleagues” in the group stories and often was like “senior”. By the way my restlessness annoyed adults. They said that it would hinder me in my future life. But I don’t agree with it.

“The first final party” was like the passage to the new step of the life. The first final dress, hair-do, waltz – everything is unforgotten!!!

“School, school, I’m missing…!”

In 1994 I went to the scool. The first bell to the lesson, the first teachers of reading, writing, mathematic – teachers of the life! The first form and the next 10 years of my life were connected with the school ¹ 22 of general education in Shakhtersk. Studying at school having passed successfully, enough easy – I have never notch books, have grasped everything very easy. I have taken an active part in school’s life: organization of holidays and other events; town and regional Olympics; the board of honour. Certificate with distinction– it is the result of successful graduation.

“I happened to study at University…”

The summer of 2004 year – it’s time to hand the documents to HEI. “Where is go, where is move”? The future profession, speciality was not defined precisely. I have a wish to connect my life with foreign languages, foreign countries. But in the course of some reasons I have entered Donetsk national technical university on economic faculty according to the results of conversation. For today I have never regret about it.

There were hard and easy days, lovely subjects and subjects which are unreal to be understood. During my studying I realize, that I chose exactly that profession, that deal, which I will do with a pleasure in any time.

Now I’m studying on magistracy. Entering the magistracy – it’s one of my own achievements. My interest, the topic of my magistracy work: “Development of logistic system of stockes management”. My supervisor of studies is Iren Bondareva. To my mind – it’s a fate because she is my namesake. I thank her for support, help in writing articles.

During 5 years I have bring up in myself, to my mind, a lot of enough good characteristics: urgency, patience, diligence, skill to lead all deals to the end, to work under pressure and in a short time. All of these will help me in future.

“Beautiful long after…”

In future I see myself like “Lady-boss” as the result of passing through career-ladder. Family, children, friends – these are key to happiness. I will achieve the putting aims because I can adapt to changeable conditions very quickly, I have learned working in team and I am aim-centered and sociable person.

DonNTU > Master's portal | Abstract