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Polozhii Pavel

Polozhii Pavel

Faculty of Economics

Speciality: Management of innovative activity


Theme of master's work:

Economic substantiation of the innovations project

Scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Science, senior lecturer of the chair «Economics of Enterprise» Kravchenko Sergey Ivanovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Middle mark in the period of studies in university - 4. I freely know Russian and Ukrainian languages. In volume sufficient for reading and correspondence I know English. I take a great interest in music, history, the literature.

Short biography:

The childhood

I was born on May, 4th, 1987 in the city of Donetsk. Parents: Polozhii Vitalii Olegovich, Polozhii Victoria Nikolaevna The childhood was cheerful and fascinating. Special talents have revealed later. The brightest memoirs: fine relations with parents and relatives, acquaintance and the further development of relations to people as whom I now consider as the best and unique friends, an eight-bit Dendy, a mult-serial «TNMT», viewing of uncountable quantity of the american films.


In 1994 I have joined TEC ¹1. Teachers have played an important role in formation of my person. I did not accept active participation in a public life of school, therefore my basic achievements are reduced to a responsible approach to training and taking part in a school basketball team. Hobbies: music, books of the most various genres, sports, world history Special gratitude to parents and relatives who always showed sincere care of me.


My daddy and some relatives studied in DPI, therefore the choice of high school did not represent for me a great difficulty. At school I have decided to arrive on economic faculty... Because there were no subjects which I perfectly understood, but did not like them: chemistry, physics, plotting. In 2004 I have arrived in DonNTU on a speciality «Economy the enterprises (mining industry)». The speciality choice also was simple, it is caused by specificity of the industry of our region. In training at university I have got acquainted with interesting people and perfectly spent time. Special successes and achievements: a writing of several articles about specificity use of various mathematical methods in economy, active participation in a sports life of university (two years I was the player of a University team on the American football «Varangians»)

Almost all studied subjects were interesting to me. The greatest advantage was brought, in my opinion, by studying of such subjects: Management (A.N. Kurakalov), Strategy of enterprise (N.A. Perevozchikova), Business Ukrainian language (V.I. Mozgovoi), Ethics and an aesthetics (D.E. Muza), economy State regulation (M.V. Belousenko), Makro - and micro-economics (G.D. Oseredskii), the International economy (N.K. Yushchenko), Bases of innovative activity (S.I. Kravchenko) Especially it would be desirable to note the teacher of Higher mathematics Medovnikovu Albina Aleksandrovnu to whom I am very grateful for everything that she done for me. To arrive in a magistracy I has solved for the purpose of reception of additional knowledge. But to continue training on native chair to me it was not fated. Because of not absolutely correctly filled personal questionnaire I could continue training only under the program of preparation of experts. Thanks to Bondareva Irina Aleksandrovna I have learnt that additional competition on a set of entrants in a magistracy on a speciality «Management of innovative activity» appears. I have considered this speciality interesting and perspective. Has tried to pass the exams. At me it has turned out. The previous operational experience with Internet technologies is connected with computer and Internet use to suit the own ends.

Plans for the near future: to continue to «build» the private life which base is already put;) and to find work which will meet as much as possible to my requirements.

The distant purposes: to base venture firm, to construct the house, to plant a tree, to grow up the son (well or the daughter... It not essentially)

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